[ Locked ] Introduction Guide This forum is a place where you can introduce yourself to the FAKKU community. Most users share the same interests so I encourage you to post some of the things you are interested in along with your i…
I'm ... I'm back ... again! I'm back for about the third or fourth time. Well, I never really left, I just crept around looking at hentai and reading posts occasionally. College has me bogged down but I decided to come back and …
(Standard title joke introduction about reproductive organs) (Greeting) (Introduction)
(Declaration of admiration of site and animated pornography) (safe jest to lower readers guard) (statement about sex in general) (reasons for joining)(lie about hoping …
Hey guys whats up My name is Justin, and if Jacob/Mike read this, you should automatically know who this is just from the username. I'll give you a hint. the guy with the flag. lol
yo... yo im fairly new so it be nice if some people stared posting on my threads (image)
cause it seems like no one wants to know and I know that eventually I am gonna end up posting your favourite to…
Hi,X3 [size=12]I'm seriously happy to meet you all. I've been browsing through here for sometime and after seeing how amazing you all are (and the fact i e…
Hey, Everyone! Hi! RR Here!
So, I've been stalking Fakku on and off over the past while, but it wasn't until the whole comment rating thing did I decide to actually use my account and interact with you a…
[ Locked ] Goodbye Cruel Fakku!!! To all those on Fakku,
After only a month I am considering leaving Fakku, not because I hate it but because due to a mistake that was small and easily forgivable I have been forced out by …
Hey Everyone!! ^^ Ive been a member of Fakku for a while, but i feel like i should still introdouce myself, names devin and ive been an otaku for a while. Finding Fakku was one of the best things to happen to me xD. Im…
Hello Fakku I've been lurking here in Fakku! for years now- Until I've decided to register here in the forums since the Doujins aren't enough for me- I heard they have a large gallery of /e/ and /h/ pics here as …
Hello! I'm a human, like you all! Herro! I'm new to this site, but am fairly sure I've been on here from time to time, only now do I realize the purpose of this site. Of course, I'm here for the community and to enjoy myself. I was sh…
Herro Omg hai ^___^ Im freaky-chan and I absolutely luuuv @_____@ 4chan <3 and my fav is the anime and yaoi boards!!!!! OK so anyways, I'm going to tell you about the BEST day of my life when I met my ho…
Hey, and how art thou. FOR THIS GREETING I MUST SPEAK IN TRADITIONAL ROYAL CANTERLOT VOICE, FOR IT IS TRADITION. If you got that reference, bravo to you. :p
Anyway I am a 22 year old male residing in Calgary, A…
To all readers: TL;DR Today, upon this very day, I joined the fakku! community. I thank any and all people in advance for their kindness as well as their cruelty, for each and every experience will shape my online time as …
Coming out of my shell I am new to interacting with this community but I have been a Hentai fan for sometime. I am just now coming out of the "video only" shell. I thank the Fakku guys from Anime Conji this week end.…
I'm new to hentai! This is my first ever post on a hentai website. I'm new to anime, I've only been at it for about 1 year but I'm so excited to see what you guys are like.
First Introductions Hello, I'm AJ, I've been a long time user and supporter of Fakku, but only now am I deciding to formally introducing myself. I had the great fortune of participating in Anime Conji today, where I met …