LMFAO... I made it through the first video, but I was laughing from about 15 seconds into it...
Edit: Second Video
I'm confused. There was something going on involving Mexicans. I think I heard her mention something about Shannen Doherty, but I'm not sure. What was that about?
Edit again: Third video
All I need to say is 1:48 - 1:52. Those 4 seconds almost made me piss my pants and the fact that the bitch is basically smiling through the entire video made me leave myself and go to the bathroom a few times. The ironic thing is that to an extent, this bitch is radical even for my views, I've said that the whole situation is nature's way of catching up to humans, but even if humans as members of a species need to die, I don't single specific groups out, anyone will do. The fact that this bitch says everything with that smile plastered on her face made me want to empty the jug of wine I'm drinking (only because my bottles of tequila and vodka disappeared and I have a significantly high tolerance to alcohol) and make a Molotov cocktail with it, then go to her house, knock on her door, and toss it the bitch's face.
To answer Mucky56's question, there isn't any definite way to repel them. The only way to control them, or keep them at bay, is to kill them. Social Darwinism is the answer. The strongest survive and these people, with the vast array of enemies they create, are obviously not suited for survival. Before anyone says I'm no better than them, think of it this way: I'm saying that if anyone should die, it is them because they create a rift in society that could destabilize human society and lead to its demise. By killing them, with their warped minds they may eventually interpret it as their God saying, "You're fucking up and I'll keep sending people to kill you until you learn to straighten the fuck out."