York wrote...
ultenth wrote...
York wrote...
Mucky56 wrote...
I have NEVER met a logical christian before. I asked a christian science teacher why is it so hard to believe that there is evolution?
He answers with this...
"Well I mean everything with you people has to be coincidental, that we have brains, lungs and everyting. I mean thats just ridiculous, we cant just be created by an explosion, for no reason. Our bodies are created through Gods breath, and they said we came from apes?"
And I was pretty mad, about the fact that everything has to have a purpose for these guys. I mean does the fact the kids dying in Africa have to have a purpose? Nothing has a fucking purpose, we were borned just to fucking live, why the fuck would God make dumbass rules about sins, and say that he had to fucking kill a guy to save our sins? What kind of dumbass purpose is that, when he doesnt have to make those dumbass sin rules. Like hell, they say that the worlds about 10,000 years old!
Why can't there be a balance with you people?
What if God made the "Big Bang"? Nobody talks about that alternative.
Nono, the Bible clearly states the universe and world was created in 7 days. Unless you're saying the Bible is lying?
God's time is different then our time. For all we know 7 days could be thousands of billions of years.
Well since the Bible was written by humans, who supposedly got the word directly from him, they would have written it using the human perspective of "days". I assume god is smart enough to understand what a "day" is, and would communicate his meanings well enough, so that leaves us 4 scenarios:
A. They got it wrong, and misheard or misinterpreted it, which means other stuff could also be wrong.
B. They wrote down exactly what he said, but he lied to us and it wasn't really 7 days.
C. They wrote down exactly what he said, and it actually did happen in 7 days.
D. They made all of it up.