ZengarZanvolt wrote...
willowywicca wrote...
Yeah I really liked some of those ^^
Comiket loot has arrived yay!
I realised while I was waiting for them to arrive that I had unconsciously ended up getting ones with a common trait this time round...
Woot nice ass collection.
Anyway, I'm kinda glad I bought the Grande daki of their webshop, I never expected them to have ready stock at that point. Got 2 copies of the white hair girl in my storage now.
Yeah it seems they were just selling off the stock that didn't sell at comiket (and she sold out after a few days from the webstore). The ninja girl sold out at comiket and they said they're still sorting out stock before she goes up on the webshop, probably more of the white haired girl will be available then too.
million_knives1112 wrote...
ZengarZanvolt wrote...
million_knives1112 wrote...
Shashin wrote...
million_knives1112 wrote...
i was thinking about picking this up but not sure if its worth it ? http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=BOK-5601&page=top
That's entirely your call to make. It's reasonably priced, and if you like the art, why not? I have a feeling I'm going to be in the minority in this thread, as I personally don't intend on ordering it.
ah i like the work but idk XD i am just sad cuz i want to get a good sena or saber one but i cant find good cheap one's :( i am so poor right now ,trying to find a job so i can get some of the stuff i want. also are these still up for order and can u order from the us or is it jp only ? http://www.eveningcall.net/InformationDetail.aspx?NewsId=132
Sorry bro, you've missed the deadline just 3 days ago.
crap >.< lolz lost out on another awsome sena and yorora :(
While the deadline was indeed the 10th, the webshop does still allow you to place an order for it. Possibly a bug, but might be worth giving it a try to see if they will accept it afterall or not. Eveningcall haven't added support for paypal payment yet though, so you'll have to order from them via a proxy.
I quite like this Saber one http://www.bwstore.com.tw/index.php?action=product&do=prd_detail&id=117 though it's not one of her standard outfits, since it's the new Fate Extra CCC look for her (on the left.. the right is just random nudity for the sake of it, I think..).