Does anyone know about your hentai hobby?

Does anyone know about your hentai hobby?

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While I don't advertise my preference for hentai I'll honestly answer my friends and family if they ask.
It's a guilty pleasure, I would guess.
Likes Anime = Loves Hentai.

is Otaku Logic.
Everybody knows it, and they don't give a fuck. lol
I never said it wasn't artwork. And sorry for having an opinion.
But gg on being an unsophisticated gremlin.
Oh and the "smell" you can't stand is your head up your own ass.

Kaeltara wrote...
fakkurocks wrote...
I don't talk about regular pornography in the first place. Same deal with hentai.

Its artwork as well. but thank you for stomping all over peoples work that they take time to draw and design with beauty in mind.

But gg on make your self look like a uncultured creten.
And yes that smell you cant stand if you are that much in the closet about this, is your own shame.
My parents & friends know
No one knows, and I'd prefer it that way. People think of me as an innocent girl who doesn't know anything about Hentai-related things. LOL..
Nobody really knows; Of course I think my sister does now that I think about it. She once caught me looking at some hentai :/
My best friends know it. But actually nobody really cares, so there's no reason to tell anyone.
Don't ask don't tell. ^^
My fruends since it's great to have someone to talk about this stuff. But my family still thinks I'm an honor student working hard studying and stuff
i dont really care about friends,but familly,really?
Male Friends all know about me being Hentai fan
Female Friend only know about normal anime and manga
Family only normal anime and manga too xD
I chose 'no' because I've never openly talked about it, but I think a couple may have indirectly found out and not mentioned it to me D':
A lot of my friends know, I read hentai, since I absolutely despise vanilla. So they can guess I'm a M, I've told some I'm into femdom. But I will never tell them that I love "trap, yaoi, futa, tentacles, gender-bender, torture " hentai..
About half of my friends know about my hentai obsession, my fammily do not, it would be embarissing to talk about it with them. The main reason half of my friends know about it and I talk with them about it is I befriended them in the chat room of a hentai site.
My friends know that I enjoy hentai, but they shall never know about my furry fetish.
Otaku666 wrote...
I am the resident pervert of my friend circle, so I am constantly talking about the weird porn I see online. Just to reaffirm my status. Definitely better than being the group's verbal punching bag, for sure.

brothers in arms
My friends and I are pretty open to porn and stuff. so you can be sure they know my fascination with Hentai. I love my friends!!!!
Monster Girl
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