Does anyone know about your hentai hobby?

Does anyone know about your hentai hobby?

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My room mate caught me spankin' it to some Ring x Mama, been the butt of some jokes ever since.
[size=12][/h]Well my friends know cause they don't mind and half of them like hentai as well, but sadly one of my family members found out the worst way possible... It was akward with them for a while.
If my friends and family ever found out i'd never hear the end of it from no i keep it quiet
Wrath69 wrote...
I have Indian parents that use to beat me when I was young.
How do you think they would react to a grown ass man reading and fapping to hentai...

the exact same way mine would and I'm in my late twenties. God I've been coming here way too long.
hentai, is good not just for satisfying our lust but it's about the story and the art.
my friend and my family just accept those words
Oh my, no way my family would know. They all think I'm innocent. Now, the majority of my friends do know about me reading such things!

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My girlfriend does, but that's about it.
No one knows about my hobby I guess I'm just the weird guy in my circle, which suck because I never have anyone to talk to about it D:
Ahh, habits. Have friends that can keep secrets.
It's a secret to everyone.
No one knows I love hentai, but it's not cause I'm ashamed or anything. I just haven't had the need to tell anyone.
Pfft, I'll make sure everyone knows, because the gloriousness of 2D must be spread to the world!
I keep my hobby to myself. But it does get lonely sometimes, I wish I have people who I can be open about it with :(
They don't know because I'm a girl who acts really ignorant and innocent in public e.e
More specifically, only one of my friends does, only 'cuz she's into hentai too. My friends probably wouldn't care, but if there's no reason for them to know might as well not go out of my way to announce it.
Classmates know, some even visit here. Family knows (not married), they don't care cause it's my business and they respect it. That and you guys all know.
My family knows but doesn't care. Some of my friends know and even read the same things that I do. Overall it's not that big of a deal.
My friends know. Hell, we even throw jokes around about Fakku from time to time.
Well, my name on xbox live IS Hentaiboy so all my friends know I look at it...however only one other likes to watch/talk about it
i think only my lil bro knows and a bunch of friends on FB (i post NSFWs on our group wall regularly)
i did get him into it but i think he petered off
Monster Girl
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