Does anyone know about your hentai hobby?

Does anyone know about your hentai hobby?

Total Votes : 4,946
Ummm, a few of my internet friends know, but for the most part, my IRL friends and family do not know. At least, I'd like to think that they don't. Shit, maybe they do and they are just keeping it a secret to save my pride. LOL
Friends and family.

Not my immediate family, but my cousin that I'm cool with. There's a few of my friends who brings this topic up in conversations. Other than that, nobody else.
My brother, but just because he enjoy's porn too
Both my brothers and a couple of friends.
if my family knows my hobbies...GOODBYE FAKKU!!!
I used to joke around with my friends about hentai, then I started watching it, and talked about it more, so now some of them think I really do like it, which I do. As for my family, I don't want them to find out. It would save alot of akward stuff.

One of my friends however likes hentai too and we talk about it casually :) If only it could be like that more often.
Some of my Friends directed me here, and they got me hooked. So i blame them for how many favorites I have.
Only some of my freind Know.
I think my family knows, but I constantly tell myself they don't cause I'd really rather not face the alternative.
My parents - suspect something
My sister - pretty much knows
My friends - know it definitely
My colleagues at work - don`t have a fucking idea :-)
My family doesn't know, but they wouldn't care and I'm pretty open about my love for hentai with friends.
TheBigAssHentaiGuy wrote...
I used to joke around with my friends about hentai, then I started watching it, and talked about it more, so now some of them think I really do like it, which I do. As for my family, I don't want them to find out. It would save alot of akward stuff.

One of my friends however likes hentai too and we talk about it casually :) If only it could be like that more often.

I'm sorta' on the same boat with a few people.
Well, I suppose we all have one another here to discuss and talk about it with, right? :)
I have one friend that I introduced this site to, and we have become avid hentai fans through this site, though we've been fans before. Fakku is really something like a part of our life, just because we like reading them, for whatever reason. SO; we basically talk about it a lot, but hell no our parents don't know. That would be wrong, and generally, people think hentai is weird, which, I guess its just different and they don't know much about it, is understandable. But here at Fakku, I feel we are part of some big family, because understand each others humour and all, and I know you all have magic moments reading just the comments of people... Fakku is amazing.
Sometimes I like to talk about hentai with the buds. Great way to pass the evening.
idmb22 wrote...
Yes, my family knows but my friends do not.

After seeing the poll results, not sure if this is a good or bad thing lol.

Under the family i only means my brother, nor my mother/father.
there was a bit of a discussion in my WoW guild when I thought I saw some write 'fakku' the other day and I started going on how much I loved it and my favourites was my all time favourite stash of hentai. He was writing something in a different language- had mispelled something...

... but I found two others in my guild who likes fakku :D
I talk about fakku when on teamspeak a lot. There is a lot of porn talk and people are always surprised that a female would look at fakku. But who wouldn't? Fakku is fuckin awesome.
My friends either know or suspect. I have had short convos about some content I've seen with a few of them (rarely) but my family has no ducking clue and I intend to keep it like tht.
idmb22 Input Gold Rank Here
sblat wrote...
idmb22 wrote...
Yes, my family knows but my friends do not.

After seeing the poll results, not sure if this is a good or bad thing lol.

Under the family i only means my brother, nor my mother/father.

Then I selected the right one.
Monster Girl
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