Does anyone know about your hentai hobby?

Does anyone know about your hentai hobby?

Total Votes : 4,946
My family thinks anime is for kids and try to stop me from watching anime. Imagine if they knew I read and watch hentai. Apocalypse.
thanks to my friends changing my facebook profile and wall pics to hentai as a frape, 80% of my friends and a few random other people i have added on facebook assume I read hentai, which just happens to be the truth...
Nobody must know of the terrible secrets I have looked upon on this site...
Only my online friends know, not my real life friends.
DMS 07 wrote...
[size=12][/h]Well my friends know cause they don't mind and half of them like hentai as well, but sadly one of my family members found out the worst way possible... It was akward with them for a while.

Elaborate on this. It sounds like one hell of a story.
It takes real balls to talk to your family and friends about the stuff you like. Thank god I got those. I don't force it into conversation but when it happens to come up and I get asked then so be it. I answer with all my heart!
checkerzam wrote...
You guys know, that's enough :)

Couldn't have said it any better myself.
My family would be devastated,so no, but if I had to choose I would have to go with Fakku because hentai is part of my identity now... a really big part:D
I have something to add.

I have a internet friend who used to love fakku but either her country or internet provider has fakku blocked so she can come here any longer. I like teasing her how I get to read a ton of SAO doujin and she can't and she's a Asuna fangirl... she's so fun to tease lol.
I've got 2 friends irl that are registered on this site and know my hobby, besides that nobody else knows.
Only one friend does.

I don't like letting people know things.
Not only do my friends know, as I'm the greatest supplier of their hentai after Fakku :D
But I bet my family suspect something, since I have loads of boobbiepads and dakimakuras lol, not that they complain
fakkurocks wrote...
I don't talk about regular pornography in the first place. Same deal with hentai.

Its artwork as well. but thank you for stomping all over peoples work that they take time to draw and design with beauty in mind.

But gg on make your self look like a uncultured creten.
And yes that smell you cant stand if you are that much in the closet about this, is your own shame.
My friends know I enjoy hentai and my mom borrowed my comp and found my hentai stash on it. Unless my mom told anyone about the contents of my comp I should be safe. Although I think she told some people but not any of my other family members.
I have joked about it with my friends, but I seriously doubt they know the true extent of my collection...
I love telling some of my friends cause sometimes they think it's funny and sometimes they're freaking out. You could say I'm a closet pervert that left the door open... I have two Kohai's whom I teach about hentai. They are my successors. One of them is good at thinking up "forced" plots and the other comes to none other than Fakku to read her manga and asks me about good h-anime to watch. I have a huge list of ones I need to watch that I share with her. Lol probably the only people in my family that know are my sisters. That's cool though. As long as my elders don't find out.
Private hobby :> and only the Fakku Community knows I enjoy Hen+Tie...
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im spoiling this word -.-
Only you guys and about 4 other hentai sites know. Aside from that its one of my closest secrets right next to my SSN.
My friends know so does my family (Well some). It's nice to tell people you know about how cute this doujinshi is :D. It's enjoyable to share hentai that you like with people that has the same interest.
Monster Girl
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