neko-chan wrote...
They probably liked you but if you were too nice and kind too them you probably didn't create enough excitment and fun. They probably thought you were just a nice guy and liked you as a friend. Being too nice and kind starts making you look desperate and looks like your kissing their ass.
I don't agree with that, if she was willing to get into a relationship with him, then there was something obviously there. I don't think there's any issue with a guy treating his girlfriend properly. I'd prefer my boyfriend to always treat me with respect and treat me kindly versus him having 'his days' where he treats me like a jerk - just so there's more 'excitement' in the relationship. I'd prefer to not have that kind of 'excitement' in my relationship.
At the topic starter though, do avoid getting in relationships with girls who have recently ended a relationship with somebody else. It's simply to prevent you from becoming a rebound and somebody for the girl to cling to while she's upset - because more then likely after she gets out of that rut things can quite possibly get messy with 'I don't know who I have feelings for.'
If you do find another girl whose recently gotten out of a relationship - make sure all strings are cut before moving into a relationship with her.