On average it used to be Once or Twice per day. However, once my computer broke down, I was limited to once every two days at best. Now that I have a computer again, I feel that the number is going to rise to more than twice a day...I am afraid I may break my third leg if I do not control myself.
Depends on the day and my available time, I'd say maybe .7 times a day, average. Chances are fewer during high workload weeks, or when the gf is around. (Though that's better anyway.)
right now i'm doing industrial training...so...once in 5 days... :( ...i'm not kidding...wanted to fap so bad... :x
I understand your feelings...but the fap you getting after that 5 days is the most wonderful fap you ever had...fap everyday will make that just a daily routine and the fun factor will gone