blind_assassin wrote...
Arizth wrote...
I find this damned funny already, and I'm only on strip 2.
What's wrong with it?
My boiling hate inspired topics tend to progress and end very poorly but I didn't think my faith in the Fakku community could be shaken this quickly. You're telling me in all honesty that you find a big boobs = lower back pain joke to be funny? I know that we can't all write Perry Bible Fellowship but when the writing is outclassed by something as insipid (yet frequently at least chuckle worthy) as White Ninja then it frightens me when I'm the only one who sees the problem.
Firstly, tell me this is not funny:

Afterwards: It's cool. you don't like it, fine. I actually do.
On the other hand, I hate Penny Arcade. With a passion. And I can't see the funny in that, no matter how many people point out this or that.
So, bottom line:...To each his own, and leave it be?