Depends what your going to use them for. For computer use, headphones would be ideal. For portable use eg, with a media player, earbuds would be ideal. And by earbuds i don't mean open ear ones, but In Ear Monitors (IEM's).
In Ear -
Open Ear -
- not as portable and more of a burden to carry around
- more durable
- more comfortable
- high end headphones generally sound better than high end earbuds
- high end headphones require an amp to power them so they work properly.
- high end headphones don't isolate as well as high end IEM's
- high end headphones cost more than high end earbuds
Earbuds (IEM's)
- very portable
- not as durable
- high end, good sound quality earbuds are much cheaper than headphones
- usually does not require an amp to power high end earbuds
- can be uncomfortable for some
- isolation is far better than headphones
- has better noise canceling effects
Also when buying headphones don't go for the "big" brands to get
quality headphones, avoid these companies at all costs if you want
quality headphones.
- Skullcandy
- Bose
- Phillips
- Razor - they're headphones arn't that bad, but way too overpriced for what they actually offer.