ZiggyOtaku wrote...
I think it should still be the age of consent at 16 but totally legal at 18. It's sort of a messy situation though.
I lost my virginity at 16, granted - if my ex had gotten his way it would have been at 15. It's sort of scary, because at the time you think your ready, and you really are. Your body screams to reproduce when you're around the opposite sex you're attracted to.
People who can sit there and judge and say "I'll never have premarital sex" are just jackasses who suck cock and eat pussy to cut the edge off from actual sex. Every person I've known who stood by their beliefs and waited did everything but the final deed. I'm pretty sure their god would find that just as perverse.
Anyway. If I had kids I'd be scared, because to me 15-16 is too young, but when I look at myself I wasn't any better. Physically they're ready, your body wants it and it wants it bad.
Mentally though, if anything should happen there's no way they could support a child. Hell I'm of legal age now and there'd be no way I could support a child.
The way things are now is fine. <-- you could skip that whole rant and just read this.
I think the disparity between the physical capability to have sex and the psychological capability to process it comes out of the disparity between the evolutionary need to reproduce quickly and a modern society with 80-year lifespans. Along the course of human evolution, the ability to reproduce at younger ages made mankind more likely to survive as a species, even if the average lifespan wasn't much more than 30 years. If you can have children younger, you can have more of them, and train them better to survive so that they can do the same.
But in modern society, it's not necessary to have children at 15; 15-year-old's are still seen as children, and need more preparation for a more advanced world. Basically, our bodies couldn't change as quickly as our minds and our society.
Although, if the world really DOES end, the ability to reproduce young could once again become a preferable trait.
In any case, I don't think that many people consider the law when they are teenagers as far as sex is concerned. I think the only real consideration age of consent laws typically get are when 30-year-old's want to fuck minors. Which is wrong. But I don't think it's wrong for two 17-year-old kids to fuck each other. I think some states already have laws like this, but I think the best way to do it is to say that when you are 16, you can have sex with people up to age 18 or 19, and when you turn 18, you are open game.