Ambivalent Ecstasy wrote...
There needs to be a system put in place, some kind of test to show that you're mature enough.
That doesn't seem very practical. People have to take a test to have sex? So, if they pass, they get a card that says that they're ready to have sex, and people would only fuck people with sex licenses?
Plus, how do you measure maturity? I have no idea what sort of questions would be asked. Also, if you're taking a driver's test (the written portion), for example, you can just memorize the answers and not actually know anything, or forget it all a week later. Couldn't people do the same with a morality test? It can't be too complex a test if every person has to take it.
I think legal sex at 18 is fine. You can do just about everything else at that age. Plus, I don't like the idea of having a 15-year-old daughter having sex, and I can't say anything about it. Sure, I could bitch, but she could easily say, "It's not against the law, so shove it up your ass." The way it is now, she could fuck other teenagers, but at least I'd be able to keep her from fucking college students.