ultenth wrote...
Deft-Monkey wrote...
In response to what some other people have said, it's not completely necessary to have sex. I think that one can still die feeling that they've lived a full life despite not having sex.
All I have to say about that is if you believe that, either you've never done it, or you're not doing it right. I think once in your life everyone should get in a fight, have sex, fall in love, and get their heart broken. To me those are 4 of the major experiences in life, as you learn a lot about yourself, your fellow man, and the world around you with any of the 4. Fighting is the most powerful negative physical experiences you can have without dying, and sex is the most powerful positive one (again if done right). Same goes with falling in love and getting your heart broken except for emotional instead of physical. There are probably others out there that are fairly important as well, but if I were talking to an alien or an angel or demon or whatever that asked me "what 4 things should I do in a human life" that is what I would tell them.
All I'm saying is that it is not entirely necessary to have sex. And no, I have never had sex before, but if one had enough faith in their god, given that they had one, I don't see why they should find sex a necessity. I believe those 4 things you spoke of happen for a reason, and they will happen if they're meant to, and not otherwise. But just a difference in opinion.