Rin_Penelope wrote...
Socializing is one of basic needs of humans. That includes internet socializing too I believe.
And about people care or not care about your opinions and what you have to said. Doesn't real life works like that too? Sometimes...maybe even always?
I'm not saying internet life = real life, but because two of them already similar enough I always separated those two in different category in my life.
You made a lot of good points, hehe. They really are similar... real life and an online life. I guess, if I convince myself that it's a waste of time.. that applies not only to one thing, but the other too... since.. in a way.. they're the same. :) So why should I worry myself about if I waste time.. :)
The Jesus wrote...
This might actually be worth moving to SD.
Hehe thank you :) I thought so too but you know.. people seem a bit strict on where topics are placed.
Anyway, the rest of your post was very very enlightening. It covered some things that others didn't really point out and gave me a different perspective on the issue.
If you think you're wasting your time being online and communicating with people, it might be true, but you never know who you'll meet or what kind of connections you'll make." [/h]
:) I think I needed to be reminded of that or told it. It helps, though I don't know why. Hehe.
_Sneak_Technique wrote...
Well if you dont get too bored of us old internet folk feel free to send a message, im always looking for some smarties to talk to ok Nina-chan? (ã¥ï¿£ ³ï¿£)ã¥
Hehehe.. so flattering and funny. Made me giggle. I'm a bit shy though >.<
Anyway, I read everyone's replies and with the exception of a few, most of you gave me good reasons for why you socialize and spend time on the net. Learning is one of the best parts of it for me, and I agree with you guys who say making friends and keeping in touch with friends is a good reason to use the net/socialize.
I think my main problem was that I was worried I was wasting too much time doing what most people do on the net.. but reading the responses changed my mind.
Hehe thanks everybody :D