I stopped here:
Now there's the ADHD-addled Dragon-Ball-Z-inspired One Piece, a manga for the Twitter age if there ever was one.
He's just bitching. The fact that he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about just adds to the insult that his post is. Yeah, One Piece is for the Twitter generation. Except that it came out long before Twitter and hasn't changed its style at all since Twitter came out, and you know, the extremely long story arcs that would probably bore the hardcore Twitter fans (those with attention spans lasting roughly five minutes) to death.
As for him not liking Japan anymore, I have one simple thing to say: All places suck. There's no perfect country. America sucks fucking ass, in a ton of different ways. I can promise you that as a citizen. I've heard from citizens of England that it sucks in a lot of ways, too. Same with a ton of other countries. So, it's no surprise that Japan sucks, too. Seriously, expecting it to be a wonderland that fulfills all your desires is retarded. I mean it, if you believe that, you should be checked for mental retardation. Your brain doesn't work as well as the average person's.
Okay, I very lightly skimmed through the post and didn't see him bitching about the one thing he probably should be bitching about - Japan's gross mistreatment of foreigners. Japan is notorious for not liking non-Japanese people. I've heard stories of people born in Japan being denied full citizenship because their parents weren't Japanese. Not to mention the fear of foreigners and belief that foreigners will increase the crime rate. So, congratulations, guy bitching about Japan. Everything you've said is worthless, and anything important you could have said, you didn't. Way to go.