Oh, Susquehanna! wrote...
ryuuhagoku wrote...
Oh, Susquehanna! wrote...
Part of what makes anime/manga/hentai/videogames/whatever else so enjoyable for me is because it comes from a country thats so similar yet opposite to mine (USA). I don't want to live in japan or learn japanese because I think it would sort of ruin the magic of all these things I enjoy. (not a slam at people who do learn japanese cause they love anime so much I understand =)
I actually have a lot of respect for Japan because it seems every other eastern country feels pressured to become westernized, while they stick to their own thing. Which I think is why it freaks some westerners out and entertains others. I would love to visit some day but I definitely don't want to live there I don't think a guy like me would fit in.
I don't really agree that Japan resists westernization more than other countries in the Orient.
The Japanese applied a very pro-western attitude during the Meiji restoration that resulted in some very radical economic and social modernization, and in this case modernization was westernization. Of course, they retained a lot of their traditional culture, but this period was the origin of the dichotomy between modern and traditional Japan. After WWII, there a more liberal westernization, resulting in modern Japan that overall intensified this dichotomy.
In contrast, Taiwan, and S. Korea are taking much slower versions of the social westernization; you could say that
Japanese modern culture is their direct influence, with western traits present only indirectly.
Yeah I meant more culturally than politically, economically, or socially. I didn't mean to say that they were anti-western or anything, they just seem to hang on to their culture better than some other countries, which is impressive 'cause they were bossed around a lot after WWII. Its sad that countries feel pressured to deny their culture and become more westernized but my impression of Japan is politically they are very western but their also good at hanging on to their culture.
Yes, I see what you're saying in the last statement. I think this is primarily because, especially for a lot of countries in Asia and Africa, economic progress, and stability are directly linked to the western powers. From that point of view moving up and westernization are one and the same. But in 1945, Japan was already as modernized as the west, so that blurring of lines did not come into being.
However, I think saying that other oriental countries are pressured to westernize is still a bit of a stretch, but an understandable one. Said pressure falls almost solely on the government and international business sectors, but really doesn't affect your average farmer, workshop laborer, etc. who make up a significant majority of the population in the PR of China and SE Asia, and are still sizable groups in S. Korea and Taiwan.
Exceptions to the above generalizations are:
Singapore, Hong Kong and maybe Macao (very modern, with interesting variety of western and traditional culture)
N. Korea (I think you know why)
Phillipines, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar (I don't know much about them, so I can't say)