sakabato24 wrote...
When I had a vacation back to the United States 2 weeks ago, I bought a whole bunch of rares at my local hobby shop. Most of the cards were for my mill deck though. Mind Funeral, Keening Stone, and Geralf's Mindcrusher, among other cards.
After coming back to Italy for work, a small group of MTG players had an M13 draft. Built a new Red/Blue dragon deck out of that. Really lucky that I drew Slumbering Dragon that first pack that we opened, and after that a Ring of Valkas.
Someone luckier drew an holo Ajunai. Sold it for $45.
I really like a lot of the M13 cards, even though to me, the cards that they had on preview on the website, didn't look appealing to me.
Mind Sculpt from M13, is a really good mill card. Your only paying 2 mana for it and your target is discarding 7 from the top of his/her's deck is way too good for it to be a common card in M13.
Ah good ol' slumbering dragon. Have yet to build around that card, but I really want to. Blue-Red dragons though... that combination of colors is really difficult for me, just 'cus the playstyles of each color feel so opposite from each other.
Lucky bastard. Though I pulled won foil temporal mastery once, didn't sell it for quite as high, but still got my around 35 bucks.
Ah, good ol' Mind Sculpt. Yeah, that's an automatic four of if your goin' mill, cus its really efficient. I saw that, Jace's phantasm, and Memory Adept, and I just HAD to build a mill deck.