kickiluxxx wrote...
Interesting card that Nephilia Drownyard is. Is it good as a 4 of each? Also, I don't have Snapcaster Mage in my deck.
Right now my deck looks like this. It's just a casual deck by the way.
2 Jace, Memory Adept
3 Jace's Phantasm
4 Hedron Crab
4 Haunting Echoes
4 Traumatize
4 Glimpse the Unthinkable
4 Mind Funeral
2 Ponder
2 Visions of Beyond
Tome Scour (I
was really thinking of Mind Sculpt because it sorta gives card advantage.)
4 Mana Drain
4 Thought Scour
4 Ensnaring Bridge
4 Tainted Isle
4 Drowned Catacombs
4 Underground Sea
4 Polluted Delta
2 Watery Grave
3 Island/1 Swamp or 4 of those Nephalia Drownyard
63 Cards
You're at 63 cards, first of all. So I'd make cuts to get down to 60. Ensnaring Bridge is a nice idea, though I wouldn't use four since additional ones don't do anything.Haunting Echoes is cute, and I'm curious about how it works in this deck, but I'm not sure it's too relevant in this deck. So that's what I'd cut.
I'd only use two or three Drownyard. It's a great place to dump your mana into when there's nothing else, but it's also a colorless land, and each one requires a bunch of mana to use, so having too many means you won't be able to use all of them.
I'd add some more lands, you only have 21, and you have an oversized deck right now, too, making it harder to draw lands.
Finally, Mana Drain is evil. As I mentioned before, it's banned in most formats. As long as your friends don't mind, go ahead and play it, but we follow ban lists in our playgroup since a lot of banned cards really are so powerful it takes away the fun from the game.
EDIT: Tome Scour and Mind Sculpt do the exact same thing, except Mind Sculpt mills more cards. Tome Scour mills more cards per mana, though. I don't think milling causes any sort of card advantage... If anything, it gives your opponent card advantage if they can use their graveyard in any way (such as in Reanimator or Dredge)
EDIT2: Actually, now that I think about it, Haunting Echoes seems quite awesome in this deck. I wouldn't use four because of its expensive mana cost, but I'd certainly use it.
Also, it reminded me that, if your opponents have any of the legendary Eldrazi, you almost can't win. To beat those, you'd need an instant speed way to remove them from the graveyard. Ravenous Trap seems like the best one for this deck.