artcellrox wrote...
So yeah, some pics of what I got at my pre-release just a while ago.
Played four matches in the league tourney that happened then (I'm sure everyone here knows how these work). Came out 0-3-1. I'm satisfied, though, since this was technically the first deck I made IRL from scratch (no deck given beforehand).
Simic, huh? Did you manage to make a Green-Blue deck? The last prerelease event I went to several hours ago, I chose Simic, but I ended up building a Black-White aggro deck because my pool was quite weak for Blue, and not as many good cards for green, lol.
gurall200 wrote...
Went 3-1 at the prerelease I went to, playing b/w/r/u stuff, my b/w pool was really meh, I got some bomby r/w stuff and splashed blue for a couple of playables and a key rune. Did a lot better than I thought I would (my pool was crap honestly), although 2 of my matches WENT TO FREAKING TIME (they were both new, but seriously, you have one card in hand, the same one you've had FOREVER, what new play could you possibly have that you couldn't have done SEVERAL TURNS EARLIER..../rant)
Lol, could be worse. I saw at least 2 people needing to play four color, too (one of those actually went five, but didn't do so well).
What R/W stuff looked good to you, and what did you splash blue for?