Rayne wrote...
I'm not going to go around and say I liked the guy when I didn't when he was alive.
I found him creepy, I'm not going to be sad over him dying.
I have no idea why people do that.
If you thought someone was a dick / creepy when they were alive, would you really go around saying nice things about him/her just because he/she died?
I find that pointless.
I wasn't a fan of his.
I hope he rests in peace, but that's as far as I would go when it comes to sympathy.
well, just to justify my reasons:
whether or not he "completely" molested someone isnt truly confirmed yet, so i dont truly think of him as an evil bastard that cannot be forgiven.
However, I was a fan of both his music and his dance moves (yes, i was a dancer, danced for over 10 years), so yea D=