Mines kinda lame. But it's my schools fault.
I got my tragus pierced.
And it really didn't hurt, but he pierced it a little shallow, because I have a small tragus. He told me that if I noticed it migrating (being pushed to the edge) to come back. Well, it was. So we took it out, and then let it heal over a month or two and came back. The girl pierced it instead of the guy, and I was expecting it to not hurt again, because the first time didn't. Boy was I wrong <__< I flinched and she missed the closing of the earring (she had to use a clamp to close it) and had to stick the needle in my ear three more times to keep it from closing(your body tries to instantly heal a wound) and had to stick a cork in my ear to stop all the bleeding. She had gotten a kink in the earring and had to get a new one and pierce it again.
So, it got infected lol. I was working on healing it, and my school noticed my piercing in gym class, 2 gym classes before the semester ended. And if you miss two you fail. They said I wasn't allowed to participate as long as I had that in my ear. The only problem was, I couldn't just take it out, I literally needed a special type of pliers to, and the place that did it closed up and moved to Harrisburg 45 minutes away.
Anyway, I get up to Harrisburg after I get permission from the principle to extend this. I ask for a spacer, so they wouldn't noticed. Holy shit, I cried so much. Because it was infected and he had to use so much force on it I felt like he was ripping my ear off.
So now my tragus is REALLY looking bad. And my gym teacher gets up in my ear and looks in it for the spacer.
So I had to remove that, and that was not pretty in itself either. I hated my school. That piercing wouldn't ever have caused an issue during gym and they made me waste $75.
It's not a big deal, but it was very painful