Uggh that's the reason I hate when cousins visit. When they come over to my place I have to give them a set of rules before entering my room like it's the goddamn military. It's like "Don't run around, don't jump on or touch my shit, keep quiet, do as I say. If you don't like it it get out!"
I think the only fireworks I'm gonna see today will come from crossing the streams in the Ghostbusters game. My town doesn't do fireworks displays on the 4th of July because there were serious problems with people getting way too rowdy and destructive. I blame college students and San Jose.
Well, managed to dry up a bit so there were a lot of fireworks in the neighborhood. Managed to scare one of my kittens have to death for about two hours, but she'll eventually get used to it.
Ok so pretty soon after my last post in here a friend called me and invited me over for BBQ. As I said before fireworks are illegal in my town so there's no big display but some people down the street from his house set off some big fireworks anyway so at least I got to see some which was cool.
The fireworks near here were alright but, the night was basically ruined due to the idiots that felt that acting like drunken frat boys and sorority girls was the epitome patriotism. These people didn't understand the concept of personal space or what constituted proper behavior in public. I even had beer spilled on me...
Just the kind of idiocy that makes you wish that you had the authority to arrest them or just shoot them in the face. Either works fine.
At least I got to see some pretty lights and hear some loud booms.