TehMikuruSlave wrote...
Space Cowboy wrote...
Space comes from the thought that it is "empty", much like my head. I chose cowboy because it is the term I always heard in reference to people who do crazy/stupid/what have you shit. So, I like to spout stuff randomly without much thought.
Or Cowboy Bebop is my favourite anime. You decide.
May also have to do with the fact that you're a ganster of love and that some people call you Maurice.
If you hadn't said that I would have, heh. +rep
As for me...well I used to have my videogame names and such all be Ender from...actually if you don't know I think I'll just stab you for your own good. Anyway I felt that this was 1) too presumptions 2) not suited for all occasions 3) probably taken by a million semi-literate fanboys anyway. So I took a name from my favorite videogame, Xenogears. The reason I chose Ramsus specifically because 1) I just like the sound of the name 2) I figured it wouldn't be something too likely to be used by other people (at least compared to other names) 3) It amused me to take on the name of a not over the top villain.