zeKer_pencil wrote...
aunt and me (no one asked how it went...)
M: auntie do you know this girl? (shows a pic)
A: my what a nice girl. she your girlfriend?
M: hell no! i never even met her but she says we met
A: hmm i think i know her but i cant remember the name
did she know you?
M: yeah... say auntie when you look at her in this pic
is she devious or sly?
A: sorry kiddo... cant tell you that... you have to figure that out on your own... heeheehee
thats tha aunt story...
oh and is it becoming something like anime/hentai? never noticed... because when i was still walking before the big face off with the car i had to continuously evade/hide from her... tried talking to that girl but cant seem to pierce that face... its like shes innocent (my ass!)
by that vague answer thats a suggestion that she is sly...because by being vague ur open to the fact that she's innocent and hence if you lean on innocence...it'll come up with hilarious results. ur auntie is malicious.
if she were innocent you woulda gotten a straight answer (since with either choice, nothing particularly bad will happen)