mibuchiha wrote...
zeKer_pencil wrote...
as for you and you're ex... well i think i got a piece of the reason pie... although i still dont know the taste of the piece... get what i mean?
ugh...i gotta admit, i don't get what you mean...
btw, you're injured so don't force yourself...the pic can wait, your recovery is more important.....
think of the alone time!!! or will your cousin be kissing it better?
it can't be that raxing to upload a piccy..you have your other arm right?
YamaKaji wrote...
Ya sorry about that had some beer and the wrighting goes to hell. But if what I said sums up the last 5 pages then, I most be on LSD or some thing. Azreli's point was just have sex and show eveyone. mibuchiha's point was like mine zeKer_pencil was just trippen? zeKer_pencil pount was it's incest.
Thats what I got out of the last 5 pages. If I missed some thing please explane what. The point to my last post was, think about her and yourself.Not one or the other and, let the crazyness setle down. Once more I'm sorry to all 3 of you.
you still on drugs? coz you're mixing facts with your really idiotic assumptions.
who said you should exhibition the relationship? coz i'm sure i didn't.
a sex friend relationship is by far more subtle/reserved than a gf/bf relationship because it has defined limits of intimacy.