As I have said, 55 Miles an hour translates to 80 feet per second, I first noticed this group of people when I was about 75 feet away. I had no time to think, of what to do I just reacted.
Also Waar the Poll was for a grasp of peoples opinions though it could have been worded better yes. As well the comment that someone should run me over, was really funny because I, even when I'm heavily intoxicated(which is a possibility that these people may or may not have been), still have enough fucking sense to check for traffic coming down the road before I venture out(personal experience on the matter and a whole other story).
PersonDude wrote...
one would get upset because it scared the shit out of you that you almost hurt/killed someone for their lack of intelligence.
Could not be spoken any truer. Waar when you get put in a situation like this let me know, how it feels. When I wrote this I was shaken up and pissed off at how stupid someone could be. And don't give me any more of your bullshit. I'm tired of seeing it. Leave the past out of current discussion and come up with new material, the hat jokes are older than dirt.