When I make conversation to strangers, it happens like magic. I'll politely ask the name so I don't have to call them "hey" for a long time. Then talk about something easily gets interesting to the person, .
HeavenlyDemon wrote...
I would have said something simple and short. Like Oh great anime. Something that if they dont want to respond to they dont have to and I know they want to be left alone otherswise theres that awkward silence.
This one's compliments. I should've mentioned it. The Konata thing I've mention is, "if they liked to talk".
Catcher wrote...
Unfortunately, no. Reason being is that I wouldn't want to talk to someone and risk being labeled as a "nuisance" as Gibbous so aptly described. It's not easy to tell if the person you're trying to talk to even wants to have a conversation with you.
You will know if they like to talk if they at least look or smile. In order not to be a nuisance, you got should be polite, pick up lines and Johnny Bravo stuff is probably a trap or it requires alot.
Ms_Anonymous wrote...
In your situation, I would not have.
#1 Reason: She was watching an anime episode at the time. She probably didn't want to be disturbed.
If I was watching an anime episode on my laptop and a stranger started talking to me I would just ignore them and continue watching.
Now, on the other hand, if she was wearing a Lucky Star or any other anime T-Shirt or something, that could work because she wouldn't have been occupied.
As far as talking to strangers on the subway goes, I am almost completely against it.In this case, however, you could clearly see that you shared an interest, so it may have been okay.I probably would have started a conversation if she stopped watching the show and took a break.
Starting a conversation with someone for no reason (or what may seem like no reason to them) is extremely weird.
I once had a big fat guy on the subway ask me out. No introduction or anything...he just turned around and asked me out.
I declined.
Starting conversation without a reason can be for meeting new people that could feed your mind, unlike books, they can also give relation. You have to be look alright and mannered in the first place and not some big fat guy that suddenly ask for a date, he's pretty much hopeless. I mentioned feigned innocence and get re-contact so you can have time to check if you got hope or you should give up. There's really need for manners and looks.
When I was highschool, it's 10 years ago, when I'm walking home, around 6 times, I'm meeting a beautiful college girl that I'll meet on the way who will modestly ask my name, with a sweet voice and smile which that looks natural, but I'm always leaving her with no answer but secretly like it. I discommunicate because It's bad to talk to strangers, but because of it, I just wasted my luck. I would've known a nice girl.
The subway girl, she's bored and she watches in an uncomfortable place, she'll probably like to converse instead. But it has requirements.
Illumi wrote...
I wouldn't have talked to the busty chick, but probably would've been like "Lucky Star, nice choice"
If that didn't start a conversation, I'd just go on my way.
If she does say something and starts a coversation, then its all good.
If you don't have confidence, don't hit on attractive women. Apparently, women like men with confidence to speak up. Or you can be like "hey babe, they call me Dirty Sanchez
Your right, I'm about to make a flirty message to you, but I'll respect instead ^^. I notice that I raised my head a bit and have a confident little smile when I'm hittin(of course modestly like a gentlepervert would be). Now, the Johnny Bravo thing is the 1st thing that you'll get tempted to do and but should avoid.
Ginchimaru_09 wrote...
So I let the other person decide if we are carrying on the conversation, this is because I know how annoying it is to have someone talking to you and you not want to talk to them. So I will acknowledge that I want to talk, and leave the decision up to them.
Amen. Though, if I'd really like to talk, I will change the topic, if leaves me instead, I will still act like a funny poor guy, then after you give up, put cute smile like you're sorry, forgives and still like her despite what she did.
tsuyoshiro wrote...
Oh? So you put your trust in people simply because you qualify them as sexy? Seems a bit careless. And talking to merchants isn't really the same thing, they provide a service and then they leave you be...yeah, there may be small talk, but it isn't really the same as striking up a conversation with a random stranger.
So far, just your name is what you're going to tell, and with Friendster or Facebook. If she don't leave you be, then it's amazing luck, if it's not about doing crime to you.
Yorozuya wrote...
Hmm I would but I guess it'll also kind of depend on the person too like if it was some hawt girl who seemed to have the same interests that I do I could maybe try to get with her in the process when having a conversation with her. If it was some guy we could maybe talk and later become friends, but if it's some ugly or fat girl/boy otaku then I'd just stay away. Starting up a conversation is pretty much the hard part but once you can find common ground or similar interests then it's easy sailing from there, it mostly starts with small talk. I'm a pretty shy guy so I don't approach people all the time, but once something happens people generally turn out to like me.
@ZiggyOtaku: Lol you seem to attract the weirdest guys.
Well, let's see getting to a common ground a very uncompatible person. Make sure, the person is in a talkable situation, if it's a police that just comes by, I would say, "what are you working at" while showing signs of curiosity, he might like to arrogantly talk about it and you should listen, comment, then he'll give you right to talk about your stuff due to the attention you offered him, if he doesn't like it, be sure to apologize casually.
I'm attracted to Ziggy, does she had a child and sex outside marriage? I think that would be evidence that she's hot. But I don't entertain it.
edit: I haven't read her first post T_T fuck!
Basics of talking to strangers is good manners, looks, subterfuge and sincerity. But I don't follow it strictly, there are tons of way, but not like you're having contact to a superior, there's tons of detail but I can't. I choose whom I talk and when I end it(a bit rude but important).
I usually don't talk to too ugly no names unless they're local celebrity because they can use our contact for claiming fame because a normal looking guy have talked to them, I'd just get exploited despite having kindness not to make a disgusted face at them.
I will keep complete secrecy of my experience with recontactable girls for morality. Though I don't go for girlfriends since it's very monogamous here, I look vulnerable that they will drag me and people will side to her since women seems to have more privilege here.
There's tons of shitfaces here that's doing better than me actually but I think it's just due to the folk wisdom.
About Kuroneko 1/2, for now, I can only say to feign innocence and be good mannered but close to your natural. When it's public, use feigned innocence, although I'm doin it naturally before, but I'd like to know other ways to get safe, but now I do it purposely, I proved that it's essential when you're going for lovin so people can't accuse being playboy because of your cutesy behaviour, they will be labeled "who judge" which is a strong religious bad stuff.