As you may have figured out from the title of this thread, it will be centered around myself, and my epic adventures in Korea, land of apartments and starcraft, where buildings go up and go down, but never sideways. You'll see what I mean by day 2.
This first post is meant to be introductory, to introduce you to my house and a couple pictures of Korea. By Day 2, I promise things will pick up.
After a long time on the plane (12h48m), I finally get outside to the wonderful land of Korea!
OK, so maybe it isn't that good-looking from the airport standpoint.
The first thing we notice is that: Holy fuck, it's humid. As soon as I step outside the airport, I start to sweat.
Well anyways, enough bitching. My uncle lent me his driver, on account of the fact that it's pretty hard to drive your car to the airport.
Here are some pictures I took on my way to my house:
OK, what is a giant penis doing in front of the airport?
Cool bridge bro.
Toll-booths all over the place. Each highway is owned, and the owners tax the passers.
Yup, apartments. You'll be seeing more of them later.
Well, I've arrived at my apartment.
Here's a tour:
Well, that's pretty much how my apartment room looks like. Room at bottom, small sleeping space up at the top.
Here's a view to outside:
Well, that concludes DAY 0, as I'm going to sleep now.
IMPORTANT: The above was written yesterday. I am currently awake and at my cousin's house. I will be uploading today's pictures before I sleep.