If he ever pulls any of the typical French shit on you, give me his address. I will literally fly down to wherever he lives and beat the living shit out of his pussy-like body. I'll die before I let another French asshole play with a woman, especially a fellow Fakkuza.
Awwww =D I will tell you everything that happened when I see him the next time, or when he calls. ^^ .........I hope he calls D: Waiting for it is pretty hard so far, but he also has a job to do, so I'll be patient.
I will go that restaurant alone sometime. I think I can handle it from now on.
EDIT 17/09: Oooh, this is what I call lucky: Today, we in our community here won't have water for a whole day...which means my mom can't cook. Meaning we go to that restaurant again :) Yesterday, I called off work today so I could prepare for my upcoming exam (which means I have to go twice a week the next time). But it's a nice coincidence: If I had work today, I wouldn't be able to go there today. Niiiice!
ok this may be a bit late i don't know but im baisically in the same position as you. i go to this eastern cafe and there is awaitress who is super hot. i just ask her how her day is and engage in small talk she likes me i think she always seems happy to see me but weathe thats me or the money i dont know lol id say just start with small talk the usual hi so been busy? and such once you lay the groud work withthat talk more about your personnal life like wot you are doing at collage or scholl. then after afew of those get cheaky and just say so got agirlfriend flat out without hesatation and do it with a naughty smile he may know your interested but you are also playing thats wot i did with my ex and after that convo we were going out so thats my advice if its any help or too late then im sorry. and sorry for my spelling to im in kinda a shit spelling spree at the moment stress deppresion headaches the usual lol