Oh, so, a bit of back story: I'm 19 years old, unemployed, I dropped out in 7th grade and got my GED, no work experience, etc. and I'm
Anyway, I can't seem to get a job, but even if I could I know it would be one that makes me miserable,
what do you do when you realize the choices you've made in life have left you stuck?
I guess this situation is good since I can stay around #fakku / forums a lot more, but I can't live off of posts :(
Also, I'm mostly curious if any of you are in the same situation, and if so how you're dealing with it, are you utterly depressed? being optimistic? Trying to go back to school?
Sindalf wrote...
[+] [Sindalf] in response to tranqs new thread
[+] [Sindalf] kill yourself
Let's try to avoid answers like the one above, k? :P