@Gibbous I am but up until this point I had never thought of it as I wasn't actively looking for a job in the past...more of my silly mistakes, but you're right I definitely should start doing that from now on.
Connections are definitely a benefit although I'm not sure I have too many strong connections, but I do have some. I guess I can take a look through that and see if it can help me.
Thanks for the advice to hate myself too :P
I do get slightly depressed when I think of it sometimes, but I'm still fairly optimistic about it, not quite at the "wah wah why me" mode yet, more along the lines of trying to push myself forward.
As to the rest of you, My body isn't worth selling, and Sindalf can't be worth more than $20.00
the world is made out of balance every move you make has a corresponding reaction its up to you what you will do heather youll work or just stay in that state but eveything in the world is not for free nor it can last forever......