Nicholas1603 wrote...
Never had a wet dream. Even perverted dreams are quite rare. Sex/masturbation before going to sleep keeps my dreams innocent and intact.
It's actually the opposite for me. Sex & masturbation causes my wet dreams and other weird sex-related shit. For example:
It was one hot summer night and my folks were sleep, so I decided to fap for a couple of hours. However, I decided that it would be a good idea to stop myself before I blew my load, so I stopped fapping and watched some TV before going to sleep. And then, I woke up to a very peculiar sight: me holding my dick and jizz on my t-shirt. And the fucked up part about it was I didn't even have a wet was just one moment, I was thinking about what I was going to do the next day (which didn't involve fapping), and the next...boom, hand on my dick.
I think I was subconsciously jerking it in my sleep. Still weird just thinking about it...