I chose Louise, since i do'nt kno much about Taiga. Although according to the description, it seems that she has a much more cuter personality then Louise, but still. Besides......Louise at least TRIES to be the dominant one, and that's cute >.>'
Now this is a hard one and my vote went to Louise because simply the suits she wears in the series far outweights the one's you will see Taiga wearing.
On a side note, Shana is by far more attractive than those 2 and I thought it would have been a good idea to add her in.
Well I don't know about you guys, but I solved this dilemma by voting for Louise. I have a masochistic streak, and she has no reservations breaking out the whip. Taiga would just beat you up in a very un-erotic manner.
:shock: :o Super tough decision but I have to go with Taiga Because Louise has pink hair. Shallow reason I know but pink hair just kind of freaks me out. Also Taiga 'cause she has breasts at all Louise looks like a little kid to me. :shock:
I see that this vote is fair. As Taiga has her face as a banner, but she lacked the story development we've seen in ZnT. Given that Toradora! has run for half the season, this may get harder.