Waar wrote...
PersonDude wrote...
Too many elitists... and people are too busy talking about their own topic or too busy wailing on the newbs (seeing as how some of 'em come out into the forums to do just that if it gets boring in IRC)... I could join in, but its not my cup of tea.
The atmosphere in IRC is also always tense, because one wrong move can get you into shit, so no one really talks freely except for the old fags.
also, if that's what you truly believe then it's a shame and completely your loss, but things are far better than you say and its a shame you're stuck on those misconceptions. To be fair, any time ive joined CR or RS i've also been greeted with "ban him" without saying much. But I digress, this isn't the compare the three, it's simply to create a greater feeling of community.
I have to admit, there were times on IRC where I enjoyed myself (Usually when Mike was on. Awesome guy BTW.).
But the fact that most all the old fags (who think they're the only ones that matter) are elitists a misconception? No. I've been in IRC enough to know what it was like. Sure, I wasn't the subject of the negative attitude from the elitists, but I've seen it happen to others. Even you Waar, and the IRC title changing to mock people while everyone laughs along was very immature. Also getting banned for newb questions like, "What is voice?" wasn't all too pleasing either.
I've also heard stories, and seen stories play out (like yours), and was not impressed. Even though I've been careful about it in the past, I don't want to put myself in a position where shit like that can happen. I was always afraid I would get on the bad side of everyone on IRC and would become the butt of the joke and gave up going to IRC.
You might refute this saying I've only typed in past tense, and that you guys have reformed, but old habits die hard and history repeats itself all the time. I'm a pessimist, like yourself, and you should be able to see where I'm coming from.
aznstoner wrote...
That reminds of that time Hibia told me he could set any word into an instakick, like he did with Random Squad. So I suggested he change the instakick to "lol" and he kept that for a day or two, and people were getting kicked left and right. haha!
And shit like this.