Scion in chains wrote...
My ex &1 of my childhood friends went on a beach trip and were having fun cooking. My ex gf was making hotdogs(Damn evil hotdogs) & one of my friends was wearing this awesome 2piece that hugged every curve...anyway she was finishing tanning up & got a hotdog.& for some weird reason she eats them with Ranch dressing *P. Anyway it inevitibly slipped & landed on her breasts, which got Ranch everywhere on her chest. Then hopeless me got a boner. A big one. She was so busy playing catch me with her hotdog she didnt pay attention to where she was going & slipped on my foot(which fucking hurt!) & landed smack dab right on target on my pole. So she screams out a little(whadda you expect 2 articles of sandy clothing and a dick entered her) but 4 SOME reason doesnt immediately move. Her scream catches my ex's attention so when she finally starts to move off my ex sees & assumes we are fucking. That=groin stomp & a girl fight, then she dumped me & a month later my friend became my gf.
This story has so much fail, and yet, so much win!