When I really think about it, the idea sounds good at first, but problematic in the long run. What if you're together for years? The idea of giving up part of your blood over and over doesn't sound too healthy for your body. Not to mention, everytime you have to get bit, and even if you are used it by now it probably leaves some unsightly marks on your body. She could bite the same place over and over again, but dear god after a while that will just look like raw meat. Also, having a vampire girlfriend can be very dangerous. There are some people just waiting with a torch and a pitch fork, ready to form a slightly irrate mob the second they find out someone actually is a vampire. Or a frankenstein monster, they hate those, too.
How are you going to introduce her to your parents? Are they cool with the vampire thing? You aren't going to be able to hide it, unless you can convince them that they can only ever see your new girl at night. Preferrably not your home because you just know that she is prone to leave weird vampire paraphenalia lying around. Also, the second you even think about dating a vampire, someone related to van Helsing will move in to your vicinity. Could be next door, could be a couple of blocks away, but they will be there and they shall watch your every move. It's a hassle.
You over complicate things if you really love her it shouldn't be a problem at all unles it's something religious and your parents is crazy about it....you can just tell her to suck it somewhere else insted of the same place over and over again. IF Van Helsing did come to the neighbourhood or something like dat we'll just move into the dormitory of Rosario + Vampire >=]
I think dating a vampire is overly complicated, and the cutesy idea that love is enough to make everything alright is naïve. It's easy to look at this problem from the perspective of a certain manga like Karin or Rosario + Vampire, where everything always works out in the end, but would it really?
BOOM KO'ed you win LOL are you a sadist?
No, just the world's foremost expert on vampire hypotheticals. Despite the many degrees in this field I may have, you probably shouldn't take anything I say too seriously.
Well a vampire bite is often considered the ultimate pleasure kick so why the hell not ?
Not that I ever viewed all them Mokas and Karins as vampires ...
As far as anime is concerned I'd either go for her or her and there are some even better ones to be found in games.
it depends on the vampire... if it's Moka (like everyone said), i'd do her... but i think i'll keep her from doing fellatio, just to be safe.
Whats Do Bad About Being immortal and Safe From?
i don't mind immortality, i just don't want to get bitten down there... anywhere is fine but definitely not there... can't imagine having bite marks on your meat rod. ^^