Personally, I don't value marriage very highly, or even at all. It's ink on a piece of paper.
The relationship I'm currently in (6yrs) has outlasted any marriage I've seen among my peers. Why? Because if you're disloyal and dishonest with each other, if you're incompatible in personality, etc., no amount of vows and rings will nor
should save you. On the other hand, if you are loyal and honest with each other, and you are compatible, then you won't need a piece of paper to confirm that. So, unless she wants to get married (not bloody likely, given her radical stance on the subject), I probably won't. If she wants to, meh, it doesn't outright bother me either. Marriage is simply devoid of meaning to me.
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
There's a lot of athiest/agnostic people on this site - since marriage is a religious act, would that stop you from getting married?
I'm an almost militant atheist, but no, it would not stop me from getting married. You can (and a lot of people do, these days) always have a ceremony that looks exactly the same as a religious marriage, only with a state official instead of a priest taking your vows.
It wouldn't even bother me to do it in front of a priest, because I don't believe in the (sorry) hocus pocus anyways, but the church wouldn't let me ;p
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
For me personally, I wouldn't marry somebody unless I was with them for a -long- time.
Absolutely and totally agree. The people who rush to get married at any cost don't make sense to me in this day and age. In times gone by it was necessary to get married to avoid a scandal, but these days? You can stay together for decades as a couple without the public starting a hoopla. And I appreciate that.
If you really regard marriage as a union for life, knowing your partner thoroughly should be a personal prerequisite for getting married. Hence, (no offense to anyone) those "I'll save myself for marriage" types always made me wary because of that. If you regard marriage as committing yourself for life to someone, you should know you're compatible in every part of the relationship.
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
Marriage has seemed to lose its charm over the decades.
Well, during the late 18th and 19th century, it was almost impossible for lovers to be together unless married. As the social pressure waned, the supposedly unique nature of marriage slowly eroded. Well, that's my view of the matter anyways ^.~
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
I still believe that if you get married you should stay married unless there's abuse in the relationship.
Personally, I'm not against quick divorces - if people decide they're unhappy and need to get the hell out, let them. What really bothers me are people that get hitched head over heels and then assume they have to stay with that partner forever, even if every day is a fight and they have long lost any sort of attraction or feeling for each other.
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
don't think somebody can 'change' their mind or should be able to change their mind after taking a vow through life and death you'll be with this person and love this person.
Mm, yeaaaa - but
people can change. Someday you might wake up next to your husband and realize he's not the man you once loved anymore. That everything you once loved about him is gone and now you can't really stand anything about him anymore. Then what?
I dunno, taking a vow to love someone and be with someone forever seems slightly unrealistic to me - I don't think one can force themselves to love someone. And if you don't love or even like someone any longer, then being with that person forever can be very, very hellish.
That's why I don't think of divorces as wrong.