Now, I was having an argument with someone who was attempting to convince me that abortion was murder. Their argument was that abortion was taking a life regardless of any rationalization behind it. My counter-argument was that abortion was situational more than anything, through genetic, psychological, and physiological research of the parent(s) in question should dictate whether the child should be born or not.
An example for psychological/physiological I used was:
An example for physiological was that of a mother who had an std which affected her nervous and/or her immune system which could have long term and potentially serious effects upon the child in question. (Woman with AIDS gives birth to child with AIDS =/= Woman with AIDS gives birth to child without AIDS, however, the disease ay still be present and the child a carrier)
An example of psychological was that of emotionally disturbed mothers or fathers who may hav a history of violence or aggression. Now, thi argument is flawed in many ways, one of the main flaws in it, however, is that of individual recocgnition of responsibility. In this I'll explain with an example in my own life.
A friend of mine, quite reckless and an excessive drug user(I mean hard drugs, really hard drugs) also with a history of aggression and anti-societal behaviour had gotten his girlfriend pregnant. During the pregnancy he had come to the realization that what he was currently, was not someone he would want his child to idolize, and upon the birth of his daughter, he had quit smoking and injecting, as well as calmed down overall into a person which was extremely respectable. He had even gotten a job and was already working to buy a house by the time his daughter was born. (So, as an argument for psychological, this was of use, but limited, as although my friend came to acknowledge his mistakes, the liklihood of another male in the same position realizin their error's would be unlikely)
On the side of genetics, I hadn't yet used a formidable argument as my genetics classes have slipped from my mind recently, however, I did use the argument that in the event that a parent had cellular degredation or genetic defects which could prevent the child from living a healthy life, the child should be aborted.
On the note of legality, my own opinion is as such
Arek wrote...
It's a personal decision for everyone involved, mothers don't have the right to make the decision on their own and they also don't have the right to demand child support from the man if he doesn't agree. Vice versa also applies. If the man is willing to raise the child the stupid cunt shouldn't be allowwed to fucking kill it because she 'feels bad' about the timing of her becoming a mother. Fuck her. It was her stupid decision in the first place.
Please excuse the language, I swear for emphasis when the other party is not paying attention to specific details. (This person was poking hole in the examples rather than making their own argument)
Now, to the point of all this banter; I would like to know the personal opinions on both the legal issue of 'It is her body, so she should do what she will with it' as well as 'Child support from the man, disregarding his opinion on the matter'.
On the moral issue 'Would aborting the child prevent him or her from enduring inhumane and unnatural stress? Or would it be pacifying a man without his or her consent?'
Also, the possibility that each child's situation is unique and should be looked as as a new or first case, rather than assuming a generalization and labeling them all 'condemned' and walking away from the issue.
Any personal experiences with the matter at hand would be interesting to hear about, so as to either confirm my own theories on the matter, or to have myself or other alter their own theories and opinions on the matter.
->Apology to admins: If the subject of abortion has already come up, I must admit I could not find it, and I went through quite a few pages<-