dragonsheart967 wrote...
When I say it's scary, it's the fact that you never would have existed. I obviously thought it all the way through. It's just that you have a different way of thinking on the very subject. I mean, think of all the experiences you've had, all the people you've met, and all that just never happens. It's like one of your closest friends never existed, then your whole life would have probably had a drastic turn.
The thing is though that million, upon millions of people have not been born whether it was due to abortion or miscarriage and so on. Again, life goes on. Life would have gone on without you or me or anyone else who has already been born.
I don't see what's so frightening about non-existence. I didn't exist during the 4th century either (unless you believe in reincarnation.) and I don't find that frightening. Do you? I mean, there was always a point in time when some of us did not exist.
dragonsheart967 wrote...
Yet we don't know, cuz we obviously don't know how much of an effect a person has on your actions and Psyche.
You are still going to meet many people regardless of whether or not you didn't meet someone who was not born. Does not meeting a non-existent human really bother you that much?
dragonsheart967 wrote...
Now for that potential argument, part of it doesn't have relevance. Like you said, yes, it'll obviously become a human, but that's for the people who say the fetus isn't alive, hence, is okay to kill. The whole millionaire thing doesn't really relate in any way, since quite a few factors will determine something such as that, where as for a fetus, as long as it is within a human being, will become a human being(unless birth complications or miss carriage).
And for the whole evil possibilities, yes, he very well could, but yet we don't know. I'm saying as possibilities that could be highly influential in the future events of human kind.
The potential argument is a slippery slope fallacy. I suppose the billionaire example didn't make much sense so let me give you a potential argument that is more related to the topic at hand.
Every sperm and every ovum has the POTENTIAL to become a human being. We should cherish every sperm and every ovum because of this. We must ensure that every sperm meets an ovum so as to ensure their potential to become human fetuses and then ensure those fetuses make it to birth so that they may become persons.
Do you see how potential is a slippery slope now? You can apply potential to many things, that does not mean we should base our moral beliefs or establish our laws because of the potential of something. Basing your moral beliefs on what is and what has already been established is a much better route to go.
Regardless of all that I can understand where you are coming from (although the fear of non-existence is a little quirky to me).
The main reason I am against anti-abortion laws or anti-abortion thought processes is because all it does or has ever done is lead to harming pregnant women, including those who wish to carry to term and those who do not. Here is an excellent video that explains and outlines why I feel so strongly about the way I do when it comes to this subject. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3X4_p3yAC8
To say a woman should be forced to give up her bodily autonomy and just bring a human life into this world because,
God forbid we go on without them, is just so wrong imo.
Anyways, sorry to make such long posts. I just feel very strongly about this issue. Hehe...