gibbous wrote...
I personally don't regard the fetus as human before the 14th week (I think the law got this figured out quite nicely); therefore murder does not come into play from my point of view at all. Oh yes, it is a
life, but not a human one, and lives other than human ones mean nothing to me; each one of us takes myriads of (non-human) lives every day simply by living, what's one more?
Therefore: Within those 14 weeks it should be entirely up to the parents, whatever reasons they may have for it. After that time-span (again, I think the law has it figured quite nicely here) it should be a question of the mother's safety, whether the mother was below 14 at the moment of conception, whether the fetus is the fruit of rape, or of
serious eugenic indication (i.e. the fetus would not be able to survive on its own once born, etc.). This is exactly the legal situation here, and I'm perfectly happy with it.
But let's assume, for the sake of the argument, that it is a human being right from the moment of conception and thus abortion (even before nidation) constitutes the killing a human being. Even so, I would still condone abortion. As hinted at I'm obviously worse than Hitler for this, but I think there are instances where killing is right: Consider tyrannicide. Therefore, the murder cries are like water off a duck's back to me.
Agreed. Although it is a fairly grey-shaded area as to what someone considers to constitute a human life, but any time before that I think abortion is a perfectly acceptable option, although my view of when a life is truly human is a bit later than that, but that's just my personal view.
The only thing that bothers me, like I hinted in my last post, is the fate of doctors. Would all doctors be forced to practice abortion techniques if it was against their moral code or religion. I think it should be up to the doctor, and if you are a woman looking for an abortion and you family doctor chooses not to than that is his prerogative and tough luck if you don't want to find someone else to handle it. I guess that's what abortion clinics are for though, heh.