Lollikittie wrote...
LustfulAngel wrote...
Never did I actually argue they should aspire to look like a barbie doll, or anything else for that matter. What I argued was, for all of the negatives that might have been involved, the toy invoked imagination in the feminine. And if you haven't noticed(and I'm sure you have), we have such a lack of advertisement today for similar products for young women to be able to engage their imagination.
Lolikittie wrote...
Young women have copious amounts of media to engage their imagination as to what is feminine. It's actually a negative, for young girls to feel like they should look a certain way, because if they don't already, they end up hating themselves.
..What exactly are you getting at when you say 'engage their imagination'? Engaging their imagination about what, exactly? There are plenty of dolls on the market today -- Polly pocket, those 'moxie girl' dolls... etc.
Partially, I'll admit that I don't watch that much television. But I do remember, that when I was a kid, back in the 90's childhood was most attentive in America. Not just for the feminine, but for the masucline as well. Invoking us both into our respective worlds, bringing out our best qualities. Today, that doesn't exist nearly as much. It's more of a social issue and where our priorities lie today.
LustfulAngel wrote...
I find it absolutely silly that you proclaim I would be "oppressing" my would-be daughter, without recognizing the fact that abortion is the pernament oppression of the fetus's right to life. Nor do I consider it oppression at any rate, parents felt the need to regulate their children and keep them from making the wrong decisions. I refuse to allow my future daughter to think it's okay to be a murderer, as long as the life is in her sanctity. Hell, I will invoke within her the social responsibility she has, that the very fact that it's in her sanctity compels a humane duty upon her to naturally go through the pregnancy process.
Lolikittie wrote...
I'm sorry but a person's body simply should not be subject to political or moral views. If men could give birth through the tip of their penis, I'm very confident that abortion would be legal. No man would ever want someone else to tell them what to do with their penis, so why is it okay for men to tell women what to do with their uteri?
Circumcision, it happened before we even opened up a peep :D. Let's not have the pot call the kettle black. I think because that men have a stronger sense of livelihood than the feminist who supports abortion. Also, because males also realize this: Abortion threatens our very existence.
We have no say while we're in your fetus, while you butcher and murder us we have absolutely no defense. It's the worst kind of murder, at least when an adult commits a crime of murder versus another adult, that adult has the *potential* to fight back.
I find it ironic, that women defend the "right" to choose, while ignoring the right of the fetus to it's own life. This "right" to choose could have very well killed me, before I even took my first step in the world. I'm anti-abortion as I realized that fact, that life no longer has sanctity, no longer is the womb a natural defense.
I have no intention of being a father, if I should look the other cheek at the same time while hundreds of thousands of lives are being mercilessly butchered, because a woman decided that she was the maker of her child's fate.
The banning of abortion, is not to make the male the maker of a child's fate, it is the moral highroad that no man or woman should be the maker of a child's fate. The only one who can determine that child's fate, is the child him/herself as it grows into the world. Provided of course, the female "allows" the child to get the right to that choice.
I don't see how you can't find that sickening. Is it not possible for you to imagine yourself murdered before the opportunity of life came before you? Can you not imagine the dread and the sorrow you'd feel? Think for a moment, of the crucifying pain the fetus feels as it undergoes this procedure.
LustfulAngel wrote...
A Question: No less then a century ago, could a female have even contemplated uttering the words that you just spoke? Once upon a time, the pain of childbirth was offset by the wonders and the excitements of building a family with a loved one. Now you just view it as disposable, like the child itself. Also, you make the incorrect, naieve and intellectually foolish mistake of implying that the male doesn't go through the same pain.
Lolikittie wrote...
I do not, by any stretch of the imagination believe a child is disposable. And not that it matters but for the sake of it I'll let you know that I myself am pro-life. That's my own personal choice, because it's my body. I made the decision that were I to conceive, I would carry and care for it to the best of my ability. However, knowing what I know about rape and molestation... I simply do not find it conscionable, ethical, or even fathomable that a woman should be forced to keep a growing fetus.
I know that there have been many abortions for the sake of birth control because a young girl just didn't want the responsibility.. and yes, I find those individuals despicable and an insult to my gender... But I refuse to punish women-kind for the lapse in judgement of a few stupid girls.
When you're a rape victim who finds out that the monster who accosted you also left you with a growing reminder of the worst horror you've ever endured... The very idea of staring at your swelling belly in the mirror everyday is enough to make you wish you were dead. It is these victims that I think of, when I think of men like you who want to make abortion illegal.
I'm sure you could argue that they could give the baby up, but that's still 9 months of hell. That's still 9 months of being so inconsolably disgusted with yourself. Women in this position often give themselves only two options: abortion or suicide, provided the mental anguish they endure everyday hasn't caused a miscarriage already.
Ah, I forgot this argument please excuse me. Rape and molestation is most certainly tragic, ironically for the very same reasons that the feminine is special. I alluded to the fact that a woman's body is her ultimate treasure and should be the one thing she should always hold true. So I can feel a woman's pain in this regard, I've always believed rapists should be dealt the death penalty in much the same way serial murderers are.
However, this is not justification for the murder of a fetus. Quite to the contrary of a female's fairy tale as it regards birth, the fetus will not develop to look anything like the perpetrator. He might have the same eyes, heck maybe even the same nose. But look, his cheeks are fundamentally shaped differently. His hair is utterly a different color(Of course, we're not going to see the baby shape out like this because the baby's not going to last that long.)
The female can choose to be morally devastated at her being raped and impregnated. Or, she can equally choose to see this child as a blessing(there have been some women who were strong enough to make this decision. Not only strong enough obviously as it pertains to the mental stress. But also as it pertains to society who would so gladly push her to put the baby under the gutter).
Murder, is murder, is murder. No matter what the justification, no matter what the reason. No matter whom the target is.
LustfulAngel wrote...
Or at least, that's how it was until the advent of feminism, the curse and degeneration of the female.
Lolikittie wrote...
Yes, because we were so very highly evolved and respected when all our bosses grabbed our asses everytime we'd walk by, everytime we'd get passed over for a promotion despite 11 years of dedicated work. Yeah, you're completely right, we're just going down the toilet.
Things were never perfect, especially as it related the work force. Part of this no doubt was chauvinism. Another part of this, however was unfortunate submission on the part of the female. When the female stood up and said "Hey, I can do this too.", those formerly chauvinistic saw the flaws of their ways for the most part and began treating females as equals.
Unfortunately, the "I can do this too" was spread into some qualities or "rights", that a woman shouldn't have. Because, it degrades women. It amazes me how women are so unconscious of their own image. And when we men, who so value and revere the feminine speak out about your beauty which your dumping away, you proclaim that we're being chauvinistic.
Do you want me to tell you what truly being chauvinistic is? It would be if I said "I don't give a shit, do what you want. Go to a bunch of glory holes for all I care." Now that's chauvinistic. If I just flat out didn't give a damn about women.
Yet, I do give a damn about women. About their image, about their sexual beauty and about the need for them to protect themselves from their own degradation.
A woman's beauty is not only sexually beautiful, but more importantly and you said it so yourself: It's sensually beautiful. That sensual beauty arouses fierce feelings of determination, at least within me. That's why we need females in our lives. If otherwise, if it were just for sex. The fleshlight would be enough.
Women are the most powerful existence in this world, and the only thing keeping a woman from power is herself, because she thinks she's not good enough. She thinks this is still the 60's.
Wake up and smell the coffee, you have more rights now than ever before and the more females properly express themselves, the more a free and open society will grant them the power they deserve.
LustfulAngel wrote...
To an open sexuality that makes the female's former beliefs in love, absolutely meaningless.
Lolikittie wrote...
Oh, you mean how more and more women are adopting the mentality of the average heterosexual male? That sex does not equal love?
Well, it doesn't. It's not about morals or beliefs.. it's just a fact.
Why are men expected to behave like amoral sex-driven baboons but the moment a woman decides that, rather than tearfully waiting at the window for her prince charming to whisk her away to a life of barefoot pie-baking and repopulating, she's considered a harlot? A woman has a right to enjoy herself. A woman deserves to feel complete by herself. Don't turn a woman's liberation into some filthy, unholy transformation.[
Sex is the highest form of love...With a significant other. It's meant as a spiritual union between the male and the female, who are utterly incomplete without each other. The same is also had of course, with same sex couples as well(I'm a bisexual). But when we throw our cocks and pussies out like it's just some toy, what's the point?
Heck, that's a reason for the HIV epidemic in the mid-90's. I don't think that casual sex is some "female liberation", I do believe it's a filthy, unholy transformation. It's a transformation that sacrifices the value a woman once placed on her body, on her heart and for what? I'm not going to sit here and believe that a woman can completely disregard these things.
My mother and grandmother both pursued the path of drugs and casual sex, the consequence being that neither of them found true love or happiness. The idea that the pain that my parents and grandparents went through, should be held in a continual space of human time is simply unacceptable. Politics, for far too long has been grandstanding. I intend to use it to make a difference. The difference in true respect and equality for women.
LustfulAngel wrote...
Why should a male be loyal and faithful if a woman doesn't hold that stature to herself? Once upon a time, a woman's trust was the hardest to gain and thereby, the prize for which any male could pridefully say he obtained. Likewise, in just returns the male's infinite protective love for his female counterpart is what allowed humanity to prosper into the 21st century.
Lolikittie wrote...
What planet have you been living on? The only prized possession that males have fawned over for the past millenia.. well, it sure as hell isn't our trust. The word you're looking for is 'booty'. It's a natural biological imperative that males mate with as many different females as possible for the sake of species perpetuation.
That may have been true....back during the age of cavemen. As the Renaissance occurred and human beings(including males) made technological, philosophical and psychological discoveries it was apparent to a male who was truly open that his chauvinistic behaviors of the past, was actually making his female 'mate' quite miserable.
And if you're going to say that males have some kind of psychological program that inspires them to "mate with as many different females as possible", then you should at least acknowledge the pride for which a male feels about himself, and about the people and things around him. This too, is a psychological program.
That program, along with new knowledge during the Renaissance is what made males now believe that females, women are a part of him, and that he felt as much pride and thereby love for her, as he himself. This transition, of course was not perfect and did not evidence itself in terms of political and social rights until the late 1800's and mid 60's. But again, you neglect that it was due to a protectivism on the part of males, rather than some chauvinistic, female-hating mentailty among the male population.
LustfulAngel wrote...
With the divisiveness and the lack of feminine beauty in this and likely future generations, I have fear for the human race. It's already happening in Japan and soon other parts of the world.
Lolikittie wrote...
I can think of a hundred worse fates than 'Oh no, where have all the delicate flowers gone?'.
I'm referencing to how, in Japan a great deal of it's working class is on the verge of being on social security. On top of this, there's a huge anti-dating movement relating to the Japanese youth, as this attitude spreads throughout Western nations, this will be a problem for human development and growth.
And yes, that is a concern. All good things come to an end, but please not by our own hand? That'd be one tragic tale.
LustfulAngel wrote...
Feminism is a movement that has enjoyed it's economic success, at the peril and the downfall of that which was once the female's greatest strength.
Lolikittie"Our greatest strength was our makeup compacts? That's not even an attribute. "Prettiness" is a completely subjective and material thing. It is meaningless. Let go of it. There is more to a woman than what you can see with the naked eye, but you're saying 'Nonsense! That's the best part!'
Actually, you're putting words in my mouth that you can't even say you paraphrased. It's getting kind of annoying at this point actually. I even publically refuted the notion that I wanted a girl who artifically dressed herself and put a bunch of lipstick on. You couldn't turn me off quicker.
I'll put it in open sexual terms so that even you can understand: I absolutely love a hot woman in the bedroom. A woman that's aggressive and knows what she wants is an absolute turn on, as compared to someone whose timid and shy.(But hey, those are great qualities too, and more power to the man she finds that loves that a bit more than I do.).
My thing is, my hot woman is mine and mine alone. I don't feel like "showing her off to others", nor do I really want her to show herself off to others in a sexual fashion. I want that hot kinkiness to remain between the two of us, it's our love and our time.
At this rate, I have about as much of chance of winning the lottery, as I do in finding a woman who believes what's in the bedroom, stays in the bedroom.
[quote="LustfulAngel wrote...
What I said was a dream was obtaining the same social outlook as a male, that is to say to be looked at in exactly the same fashion or to act exactly the same as a male. It doesn't make you equal, there'll never be "equality" if feminism continues to pursue this failed path.
Done, there are many anti-sexist laws and discrimination laws and I believe that women can be and would be as highly regarded and considered as men. Provided we clean up crap like "Public pickups". As long as women regard that shit as a "right", they're holding themselves back.
Supposedly, their only hope but as you point out: They had their own way out, they could choose for a different dynamic if they so chose. But I wonder how well that's working out for the U.S. and for women?
Statistics show that women are working twice as hard, as are men. Both are collectively failing, households are falling as well with the lack of parental attention. Of course, this highlights the economy's failure more than anything, but for all of that work: Was it really worth it? The Feminine sacrificed everything it once held true and dear to it's soul for it's feminist experience, is it worth it?
I can't say it is, but then I'm not a female. It's not exactly worth it for us either, if a female brings a male to a divorce court settling, chances are I'll lose that case 95% of the time. Love, family, relationships and sense of worth all destroyed for a higher paycheck and a sense of liberation?
As a male, I'll say you got the wrong end of the stick yet again. Only, we men will start to feel some of the side effects(our now worthlessness in the eyes of the female, our powerlessness as it regards state and social parental/marriage issues).
The self-respect, the natural beauty that a female had is now considered some "one-size fits-all standard of femininity"? When I see the sexual and spiritual amorality that comes from this movement, sexual and spiritual amorality that wouldn't have existed less than a century ago, I feel compelled to at least hope that females remember what made them so special. At least, to me it's special.
But you've made it clear, that beauty is nothing more than a distant memory. We'll never gain it back. Because, you, yourself don't even see it as beauty. You see it as slavery. Then, just as I'll end this discussion, I'll also end my efforts towards believing a future with female equality. This world is absolutely perfect to the feminists, why should I mess with it? A world where your morals and values have all but vanished, is your ideal. Alright, I'll "respect" that.
And they can feel free to do all of that, but when it comes at the sacrifice of everything you once held dear. Actually, no, I'm wondering if the female ever held it dear at all. And if not, then what is the meaning of our existence? We men feel gratification at absolutely loving a significant other, ideally a female. But if a female has so much disdain for the male that she doesn't consider our feelings worth considering, or our love at all.
Then there's really no point in men having these feelings. What was the point in a male's feelings towards a woman? If there was no meaning, then I regret living most of my life in a romantic mirage that my feelings towards the sacred feminine actually meant something.