rx7b9er wrote...
LustfulAngel wrote...
No, my friend, your ignorance is what's "sad" here. You stated that my logic is flawed, rendering my arguments invalid without reasoning as to why my logic is flawed. At that intellectual level, do you really think you can hold a candle to me?
Perhaps logic was the wrong term to use. I believe the issue is that they find your premise to be false, and thus the conclusions you have drawn to be false. Thus they must refute your premise. This was attempted in the statement.
gizgal wrote...
Your ignorance and refusal to examine the boons of feminism from an objective point of view makes me sad.
You say right there, a "woman's highest quality" (there is no objective highest quality for any human being, let alone females) is some sort of ideal feminine construction of antiquated culture.
Along those lines we can even see that the highest qualities of female change over time. If we consider the woman's appearance, there have been many and continuous changes over the ideal look. Here is a more drastic comparison. circa 23,000 BCE we have the Venus of Willendorf
While you have to love hips that go on forever one can then look to Western Civilization's ideal woman in the 1960's Lesley "Twiggy" Lawson. Who completely changed what the ideal woman should look like for that period.
Should we look at other "qualities" of females we still see changing ideals. There was a time when it was not only not allowed for a woman to be taught but it was criminal; today it is strange to find a woman with no education at all. So the mind cannot be the ideal. What of her personality? How many cultures have stated woman as the subservient sex. Her personality was not a mute subject, but to be a mute subject. That the only thing of value she could offer a husband is her virginity. There are still some cultures where if a woman loses her virginity with or without her consent she will be killed by her own family as a point of honor. A Mercy Killing. A mercy to her. Because what else does she have to live for? I am personally glad that that women in the Western World are being defined less by what lies betwixt their legs. The point being that the ideals are based from subjective criteria, and therefore loses objectivity.
LustfulAngel wrote...
You're quite incorrect that there's "no objective" highest quality, it's objective, we can observe it. Your incapability of observing it, doesn't make it not so.
Even if a quality can objectively be observed, the meaning behind such an observation is not inherently objective as well. Anyone of sufficient latitude can observe Aurora Borealis, but whether it was the light shining off the armor of Valkyries, the renewal of the goddess Aurora, or even charged particles passing through the magnetosphere. Only one of these statements is objectively true, and it takes a great deal of testing to prove it is so.
Finally on the idea of a "Goddess" from someone who has made that tragic mistake in the past. You cannot make her into a Goddess. She is not. She is human. She has strength. She has weakness. To make her into a Goddess is a form of objectification, because you place her on a pedestal where no one can reach her. Not even the one that put her there. It may seem like it is a way to protect them, away to be a better person for them. But most sadly it is not. It is a matter of partnership. A give and take. An acceptance of flaws. Not because a code demands you to do so, but because it is someone you want to help in this manner.
I appreciate your comments, you actually provoked me to think about how I was to reply. You are indeed correct, that over the years and millenia that what society believed to be the 'ideal' for a woman has changed. This, I submit however isn't just an application to the feminine but rather to all of life as well. And no doubt, during the eons of the past there was a sense of submission and an inferiority complex from the male species, resulting in the maltreatment of the female.
And to your example of the Aurora, I would like to say this: Sometimes we place too much of an emphasis on the word 'objective'. In other words, without bias. Even as we look at scientific graphs or attempt to solve a problem, we want to do so with our original premise in mind. Or that is to say, a state of Bias always exists in the mind.
If we can concur to that, then we can make the statement that there's no such thing as objectivity, just as there's no such thing as morality. For a person's morals can differ from civilization, to civilization as you yourself pointed out in this post.
I will acknowledge, that there's a Bias in the way that I see women. I see them as the Sacred Feminine, and I'll acknowledge even further that I couldn't possibly see them as any less, to do so is an insult to womanhood itself in my opinion.
Finally, you state that believing the Feminine to be the same as the Goddess is a form of objectification. For I place the Feminine on a pedestal where no one can reach her, not even I myself.
Whenever we speak of an ideal human partner, we want certain qualities over others. This means that all people treat others in a form of objectification. Secondly, I don't believe I place the Feminine on a pedestal. When we call LeBron James the best basketball player in the N.B.A as a sports example, is that a pedestal? He's arguably proved it to be true, so it's not a form of pedestal.
Calling the Feminine Sacred isn't denying her weaknesses, it's saying that in spite of those weaknesses, she still shines as Venus, the morning star. The qualities of the feminine, at it's finest is unmatched. Whether it be a tomboy, a tsundere or even heck yes, a yandere, one thing is universal: A female who loves, gives the male or female companion, a feeling of undeniable strength and closeness.
The Feminine have demonstrated throughout the ages, that they are incredibly smart, witty and creative. And if our beliefs in beauty have changed over the eons, that means that women have also demonstrated that their beauty knows no bounds.
I'm not taking away her humanity, nor am I judging her. I'm seeing her for who she is, and I'm valuing that beauty that shines through no matter what the personality.
There's only one personality, that I cannot tolerate: The cult of self-sacrifice in the name of pleasure.
And not because, in the old ages of those flawed beliefs as it relates to virginity. But strictly because, a woman who sacrifices everything for a meager moment of self-pleasure, or a woman who feels economically forced to do so, is a woman that has been stripped bare of her pride and femininity. When she sacrifices herself in a sexual manner, she has truly become an object.
I want to create a world where she's not viewed as an object. She is a human, she's simply the highest form of humanity.