Sgt.broski wrote...
Well at first it did bother me alot but that was way back when I converted into baptism. I remember literally crying because I couldn't stop the urge to masturbate to porn. Fast forward 5 years when I became 19 I decided to abandon my religion for various reasons and accepted that I was a pervert. Now I look back it was pretty funny how I reacted to reading my first futanari doujin. As of the name of the doujin i read I do not know but I know it was by Naomi nekomata. A nurse and a student I believe. Actually, it was this site Fakku that I became overly obsessed with futanari.
As for anyone knowing family wise no.
I'm pretty similar, but I still consider myself a strong christian. However, I have gotten to the point where I have rejected many traditional views of Christianity that I feel contradict the value of Christianity. Porn being one of the things I believe is a "Best in moderation" type of action that can release a lot of stress that could cause you to sin if you let that stress fester.
In the end, I certainly embrace my interests, but I certainly don't wave it to every Tom, Dick, and Joe.