Apparently, I automatically enjoy vengeance. From since when I was a stupid kid, I enjoyed watching my obnoxious cousins being abused (I'm still not sure that I am sadistic or too honest to human's nature). I would personally carry out many mental harassment by dominating and humiliating the people who caused me pain. I do, however, feel extremely deliberated whenever I break my enemies down. Don't get me wrong, I don't go and waste my time on just anybody. It does take a long time to build resentment in me. Only my second aunt and her children has succeed, and it took them more than 10 years of interaction. Currently, my aunt's eldest child is a complete pimp and I am oh-so satisfied by watching her dying from ignorance. It's like that glorious moment when you get to walk away from somebody nasty while calling out to them, loudly: "BITCH."