Yeah, I can get a good chuckle going when a random person gets hurt/suffers. This one time, I heard shit going on behind me so I turned to look. This person was lying in the road. She probably fainted or something similar. I ended up grinning pretty quikly. Then some thoughts went through my mind, I can't remember what they were but they were funny at the time, and I started laughing. Paramedics got her to walk out of the road and sit at a bus stop and that was that.
Note: I usually help people in these situations but she already had about six to seven people around her, already too many.
I've wanted people dead as most people have, and I've been full of joy when I hear they nearly died. I don't usually hate many people though as it would take a lot to get me to hate someone, it's so much effort to keep hating them and I'm usually nice to people.