[size=10]I've been there, trust me. Three suicide attempts, lifelong issues with depression, anorexia and self-harm, etc. The point is that there is no point. Live fast, do whatever the fuck you want, and stop worrying about finding meaning. Besides, what else are you going to do besides live? The alternative is death, which sounds incredibly boring.
Good luck to you, my friend.[/h]
[font=courier new]While it is a natural for us to find meaning or purpose in life, it is my view that our lives hold no defined purpose. That is to say that my purpose has not been preconceived or found out before I myself have found it.
I would compare the continuity of life to a chain reaction, one person's actions in his life will inadvertently affect the life of another and therefore the actions that one makes and so forth. Much like a rippling effect except there are a fuck tonne of drops that are making them.
So I've resigned myself to making my life's purpose as "making the biggest fucking splash in this continuity as I can" which is my way of saying leaving my mark on the world.
I don't think there is a point to living to be entirely honest, though for different reasons and to me it really isn't a question. I believe in determinism; it being the philosophical outlook that all actions and reactions are pre-defined based on a series of those that occur beforehand. To me, life is already decided, free will cannot possibly exist and I haven't come across a decent argument for it to date.
Still though... there's something special about life. Even if free will doesn't exist I'll continue on living simply because I've been given the wonderful chance to experience doing so. It's a ride, I may as well sit back and try to enjoy it as best I can. To be frank, it's nice to see the surprises it throws me at every turn, I relish the challenge.
Sums it up.
Whether you believe in god or not, is not it a waste to let a big universe go to waste? There's too many discoveries needing discovering :D
Obstacles will appear, not going to say fluffy things like it pass. But giving up seems like an big step if you haven't seen even half the world/lived to say,50 years...
OP how old are you?
There's a saying that in your 20s you find out who you are, 30s you build a career, 40s to raise a family (or not), 50-60s to enjoy your retirement and 70+ who the hell cares what you do.
If you haven't got to your 20s yet you have plenty of life ahead of you mate just enjoy the ride.
There really is no good reason to make life worth living. Well that's not saying life is not worth willing, but the reason is something you decide. Personally, i live for gaming and anime, without that there would be no reason to keep on living.
From what I've readin this forum I now understand much better. There is no real reason but to pursue what we believe and value live through the triumphs, the tragedies and everything in between. And when were all nod and frail ermines over everything that we've been through in life. One thing though don't life a life full of regrets. You're never too late to accomplish what it is you want to do.
"... So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back into the past."
You were given a soul to see what you would give to humanity as a species. Live your life happily so that you dont die with any regrets. And try to help others making their lives happy too. Maybe even try to leave a legacy of descendants who keep doing this pattern. So that when you look down from the sky you can smile and know that you died leaving the world better than before. Never waste potential and aspire to be as much as you can. You might not believe in god but i can safely say that i do. And my reason to live was because i acknowledge that i was placed on this planet for a reason. I want to make this world a better place. To let people live their lives happily. I want to help people. I want to shine bright enough so that when i am being judged by people and by god i can say "i did what i thought was right and tried to help fix the world as much as i could" Dont waste this life that you've been given. It's your choice to do what YOU want. But make sure you choose wisely.
You were given a soul to see what you would give to humanity as a species. Live your life happily so that you dont die with any regrets. And try to help others making their lives happy too. Maybe even try to leave a legacy of descendants who keep doing this pattern. So that when you look down from the sky you can smile and know that you died leaving the world better than before. Never waste potential and aspire to be as much as you can. You might not believe in god but i can safely say that i do. And my reason to live was because i acknowledge that i was placed on this planet for a reason. I want to make this world a better place. To let people live their lives happily. I want to help people. I want to shine bright enough so that when i am being judged by people and by god i can say "i did what i thought was right and tried to help fix the world as much as i could" Dont waste this life that you've been given. It's your choice to do what YOU want. But make sure you choose wisely.
What if you do all those things but still end up in hell after you die?
You were given a soul to see what you would give to humanity as a species. Live your life happily so that you dont die with any regrets. And try to help others making their lives happy too. Maybe even try to leave a legacy of descendants who keep doing this pattern. So that when you look down from the sky you can smile and know that you died leaving the world better than before. Never waste potential and aspire to be as much as you can. You might not believe in god but i can safely say that i do. And my reason to live was because i acknowledge that i was placed on this planet for a reason. I want to make this world a better place. To let people live their lives happily. I want to help people. I want to shine bright enough so that when i am being judged by people and by god i can say "i did what i thought was right and tried to help fix the world as much as i could" Dont waste this life that you've been given. It's your choice to do what YOU want. But make sure you choose wisely.
What if you do all those things but still end up in hell after you die?
I got only one advice for you: Live life by making other people happy unconditionally and by it, you will soon realize that its the sole reason that makes life worth living.
Seeing people smile because you've done something selfless is enough, right? I mean, it makes you special and become that someone who would be remembered as a man who touched the hearts of many. I think you just haven't seen the good side of life yet. Yeah, there are plenty of them liek sex, video games, food, etc. Don't think too negatively, always see the bright side of everything and just be happy that the fact you're still alive and breathing. And about the girls? Just wait and you'll find the right one for you (she may have been stuck in traffic that's why you haven't met her yet XDDDD) and set your goals and your life's ambition, ja?
Not to be a downer, but not really. The only reason I can think of is to protect the ones you love, or maybe make the world better for future people who will try to protect those that mean a lot to them. Otherwise, it is completely meaningless.
Yeah, in the sense it's worth living to reproduce and continue on the survival of our species.
But on a more abstract note, there is no one reason to live because everyone should have their own reason to live. Whether it be to find love, explore the universe or something even greater those are the things you should find for yourself. You're not born with some innate reason to exist, you have to find it for yourself otherwise we'd just be robots doing what we were programmed to do.
Life is not full of meaning nor is it meaningless it just is. There's nothing special about it but there's nothing mundane and simple about it either. People try and romanticize life too much and make it out to be something it isn't. It's like a blank slate that you can dye any colour, it's just up to you to decide what you want it to be.
There is no reason for life. But since we have it then find something yourself to make it worthwhile.
Pretty much look at life like this.
I go off of the notion that it is up to you on how happy you want to be in life. I know that I am happy over small and simple things such as a meal to eat and a roof over my head. I am happy to have nice friends to talk to and a nice guy to spend my days with. I am thankful to have two nice parents that in the end are there for me.
I have had times were I was depressed and hated life; where I saw no point in it, but I didn't like that thinking and I worked on changing it. I can never say that I am truly unhappy because that would be a lie for me.
In the end, I work on finding happiness and just enjoy what life has to offer. It's too easy to see and feel the bad, but it takes effort to see and find the good. I don't mind working for it.
We try our hardest to live in order to oppose whatever it is that makes us mortal. To spite death itself we carry on, desperately grasping onto every breath, because we are creatures of contradiction.
Since I cannot find a reason that could make any life to have some sense, I´ve decided to ask this question widely.
The reason for a life (at least for me) is to die, because only in dead we can reach to a logical and useful end. But that end means we are giving life (and this is the only good reason I found) to other beings, and if life has no sense until we die, there is no sense in giving life from death, so, the life we aregiving is useless as our own lives. Maybe there is something else I have not considered, but what could it be? Could it be money (yeah, right, like if money is worth something), could it be family (HA, an stone in your shoe), or it would be love (another HA, love is an illution [Gabriel Garcia Markez])? So, what do you think about this, life has some reason that makes it worth living or not. I just want to understand life.
(No matter what you say, the only good thing we do when we die is to be food for other species)
Friend, it may not be too late.
I am frowning. But I do not pity you, for pity is only for the weak. You are not weak. You are strong. Strong for you embrace sadness and weakness. That, is the core of a man. As of now your mind and body may be lacking due to the inescapable barrier that is youth; but know this- your heart is already complete.
It may not be too late.
A man's journey is not a measly walking trip. It is, not just a simple straight road that leads to death. Death is witty. Death is playful. Death does not allow an easy route.
A man's journey is treacherous. It is unforgiving. It denies you of every drop of joy you may have in your heart; and in that state you wander clueless in this forsaken earth. This is how you are right now. This is your journey. This, is you.
It may not be too late.
You say you don't have a reason to live anymore. You say your life is blank. You say your existence is meaningless. That is not true.
You are simply crestfallen. You must realize this. A man must overcome these walls. A man would give a flying fuck about those god-damned walls and leap over it. Soar over it. Leave it behind, never to turn around ever again.
It may not be too late.
Your body may be lacking but your heart is complete. Do not give a damn what has happened so far. Leave the past behind and drive head first to the future. If death doesn't let you, if he throws more walls to your face, then pierce them. Drill through them. Your drill will pierce anything imaginable. Your drill will pierce the heavens itself.
When the time comes that you reach the end; when you stand in front of death face to face; when death finally comes for you- laugh. laugh at death's face. laugh for your life had meaning. You have gone all the way to meet death rather than waiting for him to come. You have lived.
It is not too late.
Do the impossible.
See the invisible. row row, fight the powa.