bowserman wrote...
That´s the point, what could be a good reason? Dreams, things I like, family, etc., they are not really important if I compare them to everything else in universe. If that is the case, excistance itself is nothing, each life is even less, and living is useless.
What I want to find is something that could change that, and to know what means to be happy (and happiness is not in anything I´ve got or felt), because I see that people do things, find other peple, etc., to feel that way, and if there is not a good reason for living, why people tries to "be happy", if is imposible to reach a true state of happines?
I can´t understand, the real motivation for life, the reason why the first living beings holded to life besides they where doomed to extintion, or what led us to think in ourselves as a superior specie and think we deserve everything. That´s the reason I want to find.
Alright, I do not know if this will ease you mind at all but the words of the wisest woman I know once said "Life is subjective - live it how you want it to be." Those words should hold true to everyone - and while I think there are still lines you don't cross - there are many purposes to life. Worrying about the good you can do for the universe only works if you can do good for the entire universe - otherwise, it's better to start small and enjoy the brief moments of joy - because while there is no such thing as true happiness - happiness comes from within, so you can choose to make your life meaningful and worth something, to make every day enjoyable, or you can spend it wondering where you went wrong, when you didn't actually go wrong. Everyone has their problems and yes everyone at this point has undoubtedly done bad things a few times but that doesn't make us bad or useless people. What makes you is your attitude and perspective on life - and that can change for the better so long as you will it. While many things can drag you down - you must look straight ahead, never letting go of the dreams or aspirations you hold or once held dear.
With this in mind, simply put, life is what you make it - even if everyone tries to make your life a living hell, you can still be at peace with yourself and hold happiness that no one else around you has. Even if the burden of the world drags you down every day - you can rise above and still do the right things if you just choose to. Being a good or bad person with happiness or misery is neither genetic nor due to the environment - ultimately, it is your choice as a human being.