bakapink wrote...
I've been where you've been. I've came close to suicide but I fell in love, for 6 years I've been with her, but recently she decided she wants to chase after her past... I went back to my dark place, I was depressed again, in so much pain, so desperate for it all to end. but while I was with her, I had learned many things. Some from being with her and some on my own that I could not do in my pre pessimistic state. I've learned to take things in multiple perspectives.
Something i always enjoyed as a kid but lost touch of as a teenager, was astronomy. The stars and galaxies beyond our own. When you study them enough, learn how the universe works, you realize, how truly lucky humans are to be able to come as far as we did. It is nothing short of miraculous how many fortunate conditions we are given compared to the truly chaotic and terrifying environment of the universe. How small the odds are for us to be able to come as far as we did yet we did. Even being as lucky as we are to have come into existence, we are incredibly and utterly insignificant to the true majesty, wonder, mystery, and truth of the universe, we are truly and utterly powerless in the face of it.
(Well to me) to find significance in life, to find meaning, logic, reason, value, ect. Is equivalent to doing the same for single cell organisms. All of these are simply subjective. Only us as individuals can decide its worth, outside that nothing else can, does, or will do it. Our worth, as individuals and as humans, is equal to plankton (though tragically I see humans slightly less for our self destructive nature, but I do understand the cause and effects that lead to this, and can sympathize to an extent the actions brought about). Plankton are very interesting focus of studying and observing as well, as insignificant as there life and death are, with as little as they are able to comprehend, they struggle on, for humans sadly, our fault is our self awareness, but it is also our greatest value it is yet a prime example of a double edge sword.
In comparing myself to how small I am compared to the universe and how fortunate I am to come so far from single cell, in my mother, to be a being capable of self awareness. I feel at many times I can lose myself to insignificance of my existence. this is where I stop, I realize that going any further would only create pointless loops that would hurt me more than help me. I think about how it felt to be happy, and compare it to how I feel now. I realize that, even though it may have been only me, who was happy, I enjoyed it so much more than this pain I have now, and though it may hurt more to continue to seek happiness similar again, its worth it if I can find something better than what I once had, I can seek love again for this reason. If I become lost, I look up at the sky, I pick up a book, seek a interactive community, or I search for educational channels on youtube, and teach myself that what I know and understand of the world in front of me, is nothing, truly small compared to what I don't know, especially to the universe. I realize that being capable of acknowledging it is truly fortunate and that if there is any meaning in my life, that its the capability of learning and understanding all of this.
For me, I've come to the point of "seeking meaning in my life, from myself or others" is near pointless. That me being capable of thinking about it is more than enough for me. This is all something I came to by myself though. So for you let me ask. If we humans, are truly so worthless, then how can we possibly be capable of evaluating ourselves? How could we find value, of our opinions, in our insignificance? How can we possibly find vindication in our actions to throw away what we already have gotten through so much work, struggle, and fortune (being born takes true luck)? How can we possibly decide, as humans, on our own, what standards are valuable and insignificant, and be capable of holding it in comparison against ourselves and others? With the only 2 true constants of change being creation and destruction how can we decide that ours, by existing, is any bit more depraved than the constant that has existed in the universe for as long as we can find?
I find solace in knowledge, in being capable of thinking and learning, I find happiness in doing so, doing something that only I as human am capable of accomplishing. Sorry it was long winded, I ended up typing this out longer than I had planed, now I'm half asleep and too tired to make sure everything is right or that I worded myself the way I specifically intended for it to sound, but I would rather you get this sooner than later, wondering in the dark is painful alone.
This sounds like something i would type if i have time. But yes, i agree with all the points made in this post. Human life is insignificant, yet amazing at the same time. However, any meaning is purely a human concept, and thus, this whole meaning of life thing is a human concept as well.